American Radiation Levels From Fukushima Cover-Up Has Been Exposed


High levels of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan have reached North American coasts. Now, scientists working for the government are working to cover-up the deadly threat in order to prevent mass hysteria from Americans.  

When the meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant occurred in March of 2011, nuclear reactors shot massive amounts of radioactive material into the air. Most of this radioactive material ended up in the Pacific Ocean. Since then, it has traveled all the way to the coasts of Alaska and California.

Researchers from the American Geophysical Union have found that radiation levels on these American coasts have greatly increased since the incident, and the radiation levels are still continuing to rise to this day. Still, most of the radiation remains in the ocean, as the highest levels of radiation were found about 1,550 miles west of San Francisco.

Lead researcher of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Ken Buesseler and a team of his colleagues started tracking radiation in the Pacific Ocean just three months after the nuclear disaster occurred. The research team searches for the isotope Cesium-134, which with its relatively short half-life, indicates that it most certainly came from the Fukushima disaster.

The most recent study found that levels of Cesium-134 in waters near America are 50% higher than they were a few years ago. Buesseler and his team emphasized that the levels of Cesium-134 are still 500% lower than safe water limits recommended by the American government.

Buesseler said, “Despite the fact that the levels of contamination off our shores remain well below government-established safety limits for human health or to marine life. The changing values underscore the need to more closely monitor contamination levels across the Pacific.”

However, that doesn’t say much, as this is the same government that allowed the fine people of Flint, MI to consume filthy river water. Additionally, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution received nearly $8 million in funding from the United States government, so one has to question whether or not the researchers skewed their report to please government officials.

Meanwhile, the radiation problem along the West Coast of the United States is expected to keep getting worse over time. By 2017, the radiation plume from Fukushima is expected to hit the North American West Coast, with radiation levels peaking by 2018. The radioactive material should stay concentrated in the area until at least 2026.

In fact, Professor Michio Aoyama of Japan’s Fukushima University Institute of Environmental Radioactivity says that the amount of radiation from Fukushima that will eventually reach North America will probably be about equal to the amount that was spread across Japan during the initial disaster. Currently, Cesium-134 levels off of the Japanese coast are still somewhere between 10 and 100 times greater than levels detected off of the coast of California.

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