UPDATE: Dallas Police Attacker Killed By Police Snipers


Confusion continues to surround the circumstances of an attack on the Dallas Police headquarters early Saturday morning.

Police now believe a lone man unleashed a barrage of gunfire on the headquarters and planted explosives outside the building, narrowly failing to wound anyone . The incident led to a chase that ended with officers shooting him in his parked van at a restaurant parking lot.

The suspect is believed to have been killed, although police still haven’t confirmed his death yet. The delayed confirmation is because police are using a robot to probe the van in the suburb of Hutchins because the suspect claimed to have rigged the vehicle with explosives, Dallas Police Chief David Brown said to reporters.

“We believe this suspect meant to kill officers,” Brown said. “We barely survived the intentions of this suspect.”

Before being shot, the suspect ranted to police by phone, stating his name and accusing police of taking his child away from him.

Police will use controlled explosions on the van in the parking lot to ensue the vehicle can be approached safely, Brown said.

The initial attack began shortly after midnight, with the man firing an assault weapon and then a shotgun at the station.

Nobody was injured in the attack and the investigation is ongoing. Police initially suspected multiple parties were involved but have since revised that statement.

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