This New Machine Could Make Airport Security Faster, Safer And More Bearable


An innovative new type of airport security scanner is expected to streamline the security process by making the ordeal faster and more efficient. The new scanner is called the Qylatron Entry Experience Solution, and it was developed by Israeli Air Force veteran and security consultant Lisa Dolev.

According to Dolev, the Qylatron should make security screenings faster, easier and more accurate. The system recently began a trial run at Levi’s Stadium in San Francisco, which is the home of the San Francisco 49ers of the NFL. Much like airports, the NFL requires patrons to go through a security screening before entering into a stadium. Currently, the United States Department of Homeland Security is also testing the device in order to see if it would be feasible to use in airports.

Many people have said that the Qylatron resembles a bee hive from the future. It consists of multiple hexagonal boxes that are stacked on top of each other. A person going through security starts by inserting their ticket into the ticket slot. This opens a door to one of the pods. The individual then places their bag into the pod. Inside, sensors scan the bag in order to detect any weapons or banned items. If the bag is cleared, the door will become unlocked. If an offending item is found, an alarm will be set off. Dolev says that the machine makes use of a combination of x-rays and chemical sensors.

Additionally, the machine also contains an artificial intelligence system that allows it to learn about new objects over time. This will make the machine better at differentiating between threats and harmless items as it gains more experience. Furthermore, the Qylatron can actually communicate with other machines around the world in order to supplement its learning.

The artificial intelligence of the Qylatron can also be personalized based on its location. For instance, a Qylatron device at an amusement park might be trained to detect certain amusement park food offerings so that it does not mistake them for weapons. One located at a sports stadium might recognize certain team emblems. And one at an alcohol-free concert might be able to detect vodka that is disguised in a water bottle.

Dolev explained, “Each machine needs to have a different algorithm. It becomes specialized and learns for the venue.”

The Qylatron works at an amazing rate, being able to process 600 people in a single hour. It can process up to five people at once, and it only requires four human operators to function. If everything goes as planned, the Qylatron might make your next security experience somewhat more bearable.

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