India Takes Charge For Solar Power In 120 Country Alliance At Climate Summit


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that India has formed an international alliance with over 120 countries worldwide to promote solar power. The announcement was made at the ongoing United Nations climate summit in Paris.

Modi said at a press conference that fossil fuels are putting the planet in danger and that the future of the developing world is dependent upon bold initiatives to promote methods of clean energy. Climate experts have said that the new Indian alliance is a “game-changer” for making legitimate environmentally friendly changes.

Modi said, “Solar technology is evolving, costs are coming down and grid connectivity is improving. The dream of universal access to clean energy is becoming more real. This will be the foundation of the new economy of the new century. This is the sunrise of new hope, not just for clean energy but for villages and homes still in darkness, for mornings and evening filled with a clear view of the glory of the sun”.

Most of the countries that have come on board with India are tropical nations. However, many European countries have also signed on. This includes France, which is hosting the major climate summit.

French President François Hollande said that the project represents climate justice in action. It will mobilize state finance from wealthier countries to deliver clean energy access to nations throughout the world.

Hollande said, “What we are putting in place is an avant-garde of countries that believe in renewable energies,” he told a press conference in Paris. “What we are showing here is an illustration of the future Paris accord, as this initiative gives meaning to sharing technology and mobilizing financial resources in an example of what we wish to do in the course of the climate conference.”

The government of India is starting by investing $30 million in order to establish the group’s headquarters in India. Eventually, the alliance hopes to raise $400 million. This will likely be obtained through membership fees and donations from international agencies.

Director of SolarPower Europe James Watson said, “It is very, very exciting to see India nailing its colors to the mast and providing leadership on this issue. It will mean more opportunities for solar across the world and that can only be positive for combating climate change.”

India has long been a supporter of cheap solar energy. The country wants to use solar power to provide electricity for people in remote and rural areas who are currently unable to access electricity. Many people in India are in this exact situation.

The spokesperson for India at the climate summit Ajay Mathur said, “The idea is that larger markets and bigger volumes will lead to lower costs, making it possible to spur demand.”

Director of the World Research Institute’s climate program Jennifer Morgan added, “This bold effort could bring affordable solar power to tropical villages and communities worldwide.”

India has promised that 40% of all its electricity will come from renewable sources by the year 2030. At that point in time, the country is expected to have the world’s highest population, with more than 1.45 billion citizens.

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