Everyday Hillary Requires Large Private Jet, $250k Cash And Lots of Extras To Speak


Former First Lady and failed Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton is running a stealth, ‘grassroots’ campaign aimed to make sure regular Americans know she is in touch with them and the issues that matter to their families.

But how in touch in Ms. Clinton, really, with everyday Americans? After all, she claimed to be “dead broke” just a year ago.

Judging by her list of requirements for a speaking engagement, she could only be said to be in touch with the top 1%.

So what does it take to get Hillary Clinton to speak at your event?

  • $250,000 cold hard cash
  • Round trip private jet (must be Gulfstream 450 or larger)
  • First class hotel for Clinton and all her handlers
  • 1 round trip first class ticket for her travel manager
  • 2 round trip business class tickets for more of her aides
  • Cover all meals, ground transportation and incidentals for Clinton and her large entourage for a whole week
  • The total works out to over half a million dollars for a thirty minute speech. It also doesn’t include the tab picked up for her security by the U.S. taxpayers.

    In short, Ms. Clinton travels more like corporate bankers at Goldman Sachs (who have committed a long list of crimes againt Americans, stayed out of jail and paid Ms. Clinton $200,000 to come speak to them) than average Americans.

    While Ms Clinton may well be qualified for the job of President let’s be clear: It has been decades since Hillary Clinton was or can actually relate to being an average American.

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