ISIS Kidnaps 500 School Children To Use As Suicide Bombers


The depths is the Islamic State’s depravity no knows bounds as reports surfaced that militants have kidnapped over 500 children from Iraq, which local authorities believe will be used in ‘suicide attacks’ by the Sunni radical group.

“Daesh [Arabic derogatory term for ISIS] has kidnapped at least 400 children in the western province of Anbar and taken them to their bases in Iraq and Syria,” Farhan Mohammed, a member of Anbar’s Provincial Council, told Anadolu Agency.

The Iraqi officials said that just last week hundreds of children have been ripped away from their homes and schools in Ar Rutba, Al-Qaim, Anah and Rawa. This week follows another 100 children under the age of 16 which were taken away by ISIS from Iraq’s eastern province earlier in the month.

Diyala police chief Lieutenant General Kasim Al-Saidi told reporters that the children were being taken to ISIS bases in Iraq and Syria to be used in “suicide attacks”.

Saidi revealed that ISIS is giving them weapons training as well.

In April, Rehab al-Abouda, head of the Iraqi Parliament’s Committee for Women, Family and Childhood revealed that ISIS has used hundreds of kidnapped boys as fighters in its clashes with the Iraqi security forces.

Those clashes have led to significant amounts of U.S. weapons falling into enemy hands.

Her April statement had come just days after it emerged that at least 120 children were kidnapped from schools in Mosul by ISIS militants.

Those children were taken from their schools in the al-Qayyarah, al-Shura, Badoush and al-Baaj neighborhoods of the city, which is about 200 miles from Baghdad and taken to ISIS ‘cub camps’, where they receive brainwashing and terrorist training.

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