Greece Exit Polls Show ‘No’ Vote On European Exit


Polls have just closed in Greece after the country voted today on whether to remain a member of the European Union or whether to leave the economic zone. At the close of polls, 7pm local time, forecasters weighed in showing a close vote in favor of staying in the Euro.

Specific local polls released data as follows:

GPO on Mega TV – 51.5% in favor of “no” and 48.5% in for “yes”
Metron Analysis on Antenna TV – 52% in favor of “no” and 48% for “yes”
MRB on Star TV – 49%-54% in favor of “np” and 46%-51% for “yes”
Marc opinion poll for Alpha TV – 49.5%-54.5% in favor of “no” and 45.5%-50.5% for “yes”

These conclusions fit with The Econonmist’s Intelligence Unit, which released the following statement:

The EIU forecast victory for the “No” camp as soon as the referendum was called. We are sticking to that call. To reiterate our Greece calls: We expect a “no” vote in today’s referendum. Grexit is our baseline (60%)

The Greek government, of which may members had threatened to resign should the exit be approved, were quick to take to social media to proclaim victory. Defense Minister Panos Kammenos tweeted “This shows Greek people can’t be blackmailed, terrorized, threatened. Democracy wins.”

While Greek politicians may be happy, UK and Irish betting houses will likely be quite upset, having overwhelmingly set odds that “Yes” was a sure bet and one company, Paddy Power, even paying out the “Yes” vote.

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