Apple Watch Sales Drop 90 Percent From Opening Week


Things may not all be well in Cupertino, California as iconic consumer electronics giant Apple may have seen sales of the new Apple Watch plunge by 90 percent since the opening week, according to a new market intelligence report.

According to data from Slice Intelligence of Palo Alto, California, Apple has been selling under 20,000 watches a day in the United States since the initial surge in April, and on select days fewer than 10,000 units.

During the April 10th launch week Apple sold about 1.5 million watches, just about 200,000 per day.

Making matters worse, fully two thirds of the watches sold thus far have been the low-cost “Sport” version, whose price starts at just $349, rather than the costlier and significantly more profitable models that start at $549.

Apple’s ambitious solid gold “Edition” model, priced upwards of $10,000, has sold fewer than 2,000 units in the United States.

Slice Intelligence monitors electronic receipts sent to millions of email addresses after making a purchase, giving it a fairly direct line on online sales.

Wall Street analysts have been desperately trying to gauge how well the new watch has been selling, but Apple has so far refused to say. The success of Apple’s watch will to a large extent determine both the financial and product future of the company, who still enjoys strong sales of its iPhone and iPad products.

Apple would not respond to a request for comment on the seemingly poor sales.

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