Beard Transplants See A Six Hundred Percent Rise


There is a popular solution for people who are unable to grow an impressive beard, as an increasing number of facial-hair-challenged individuals are opting to receive a beard transplant.

The procedure reportedly costs anywhere between $3,000 and $7,000.

Statistics show that beard transplants increased by 600% from 2004 to 2014.

While many recipients are males who want a long, thick beard which they would otherwise be unable to grow, the procedure is also useful for transgendered individuals who want to transition from female to male. The transplant is also being received by people who are trying to hide acne scars.

Other people want the transplant to look older. Jose Amos, who is a 28 year old paramedic from New York, said that patients did not take him seriously because of his youthful appearance. He opted to receive a beard transplant so that his patients would give him the proper medical authority that he needs on the job.

And still, some men are having the procedure because they believe that it will give them more luck with the ladies. One statistic stated that two thirds of women prefer a man with an impressive beard than a clean-shaven man.

Hair restoration surgeon Dr. Jeffrey S. Epstein says ten years ago that he only performed four or five facial hair transplants per year. Now he says he does at least three every week. Clearly the procedure is more popular than ever before.

Meanwhile the non-profit medical association called the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery claims that beard transplants had 1.5% of the global hair restoration procedure market in 2012. However, by last year, beard transplants represented 3.7% of the hair restoration procedures across the world.

While the reasons for receiving the procedure vary from person to person, there is no denying the fact that beard transplants are becoming quite popular.

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