Clinton’s Experience Gaining An Edge Over Sanders In National Poll


Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has increased her lead over rival Bernie Sanders. The former Secretary of State now has a 25 point edge over the Vermont Senator. Many voters have said that they are more confident in Clinton’s ability to fight against terrorism.

Additionally, a higher percentage of Clinton supporters are saying that they are certain they will vote for her, whereas more supporters of Sanders say that they might change their minds. Clinton is also said to have a very high rate of likeability within the Democrat party.

The current poll shows that Clinton has 55% of the support of Democrat voters, while Sanders has 30%. This is a major change from the last poll, in which Clinton had 33% and Sanders had 24%. The last poll also included current Vice President Joe Biden, who has since decided not to run for president.

Polling expert J. Ann Selzer said, “What I see is a candidate that, before, was sort of teetering. There was this undercurrent of, ‘Things were not as solid as you think.’ Now, Clinton is not only leading the race for the Democratic nomination, but “has a solid majority saying, ‘She’s my choice.’ She wasn’t close to that before. It’s not like she’s put together a fragile coalition. She’s strong across the board.”

In recent weeks, Clinton has received positive reviews during debate performances. She has also been said to have performed well during the investigations regarding her performance in handling terrorist attacks in Libya when she was Secretary of State in 2012.

Clinton strongly outperformed Sanders when the areas of combating terrorism, having the necessary life experience to be president and knowing how to accomplish things in office were considered. In 15 different categories considered by voters, Clinton beat sanders in 11 of the categories.

For now, Sanders is trying to quickly adjust his strategy so that he can best compete in states where critical early voting will be held. Most political analysts believe that Sanders simply cannot continue to merely ride the wave of curiosity and enthusiasm that has been associated with his populist messages. Some believe that his momentum has been stalled, and the two most recent national debates have not been to his advantage.

Needless to say, Sanders will have to act quickly, or else Clinton could easily run away with the Democratic nomination. There’s still time left, but it’s slipping away.

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