Does The FBI Actually Need To Hire Another 700 Special Agents?


The FBI is looking to hire 700 special agents throughout the country, to work across the agency’s 56 field offices.

But is this hiring actually needed? More agents means a larger police force, at a time when both the number of special police forces and number of members in each force is at all-time highs. Money for the FBI doesn’t come from the clouds – it comes from the taxpayers in our country. Every new agent means taxpayer dollars going to expensive hires, thanks to generous benefits and pension packages.

The latest focus for the FBI is on bringing in a variety of diverse recruits that include those who speak Spanish, which is useful when working near the border, as well as recruits with experience in information technology.

And while the agency may have need for different skills, there is no talk about it replacing workers – it seems to just be hiring and getting bigger rather than maintaining a fixed size and becoming more efficient.

While the agency is also targeting women, which will no doubt be good to the culture of the organization, there still needs to be questions asked.

How big should the FBI be? How many police forces should we have in operation?

The Obama administration seems to be slowly looking at this issue, as just last week it banned the sale of certain military items to police forces because of the expense and perception that police forces are turning into armies.

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