FCC Filing Reveals Google Readying New Version Of Google Glass


While details are thing due to a “request for confidentiality” by search giant Google, it appears the company has registered a new version of its controversial Glass product.

Thanks to an obviously named ID tag of “A4R-GG1”, it appears Google is looking to sell another version of its web enabled glasses as early as this fall. The FCC filings, which are required to sell consumer electronics to the public, were published on July 1st.

In a hint that the new product may be a mass market device, Google asked the communications watchdog not to disclose a diagram of the device, its schematics, its operating manual and antenna specification although the filing was labelled “BLUETOOTH & DTS/UNII a/b/g/n/ac,” indicating that it will be both bluetooth and wifi enabled, as previous Glass versions were.

Google is also requesting that the commission not publish the photos of the new product and its user manual until 180 days after the FCC’s approval date.

In March of this year, Google’s chairman Eric Schmidt hinted at a new product when he said it was simply false to suggest that the company’s privacy invading glasses had been dumped just because it ended the Glass Explorer program at the beginning of the year.

“These things take time,” he said, indicating the company hadn’t yet given up on the device.

What remains to be seen is the scale of the new product launch, as its previous iterations were targeted at developers so that they could build software for them.

The timing of the filing is interesting because a 180 day approval, assuming that was fully taken, would put the glasses on track to launch for the all important holiday shopping season.

Google, in keeping with its FCC filings, declined to comment on the latest reports.

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