Good News: Big Corporations Hate Open Internet


Some of America’s largest internet and telecommunications companies hate the FCC’s new Net Neutrality rules. While the lobby groups complain their squeals mean the FCC got it right and made regulations that have teeth. The amount of opposition and who exactly is opposing the rules indicate the FCC’s approach will legitimately protect average Americans and not the agenda of big corporations with near monopolies.

The number of lawsuits filed by industry lobby groups against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over its new “net neutrality” rules continued to grow, with a seventh organization joining the pack on Friday.

The list of those suing the FCC now includes three Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and four trade associations. The service providers particularly don’t like the FCC’s decision that reclassifies ISPs as Title II utilities.

The rules, which passed the FCC on a 3-2 party-line vote this past February, give the FCC the authority to impose the principles of “net neutrality”. Those principles include the idea that ISPs should not be able to block Websites or throttle traffic on the Internet.

The rules are a major win for consumers who will get to choose what they want to watch rather than have powerful telecom companies and ISPs choose for them.

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler originally proposed using a “light touch” approach, which faced less intense opposition, but changed his approach after President Obama suggested using “the strongest possible rules.”

Given the power, both in terms of money and influence, the FCC got it right. A light approach would have been co-opted, circumvented or downright ignored.

Six of the seven suits were filed in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, while one was filed in federal court in New Orleans.

The companies fighting the consumer-friendly legislation are: Centurylink, AT&T, Alamo Broadband, The American Cable Association (representing 17 cable companies), AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Cablevision.

Every company on the list operates a complete or near complete monopoly, granted to them by the government. Because the markets are not truly competitive it is appropriate for the government to intervene and keep the profit-hungry mega corporations in check.

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