ISIS Issues Nazi-Like Order To Kill Babies With Disabilities


ISIS has issued an order that disabled children have to be killed as they are a “burden on the state”. The order is reminiscent of a Nazi era ruling.

The claim comes in a report released by Iraqi human rights activist group, Mosul Eye.

It says ISIS militants have murdered at least 38 babies with Down’s syndrome and other disabilities in various parts of Syria and the Iraqi city of Mosul.

A Mosul Eye spokesperson says a Sharia law judge issued an “oral fatwa” (the terrorist’s term for a religious decree), ordering its militant members to “kill newborn babies with Down’s syndrome and congenital deformities and disabled children.”

The oral fatwa is believed to have been handed down by Islamic State Saudi Sharia judge Abu Said Aljazrawi.

The children were aged between one week and three months, and were killed by lethal injection or suffocated. They were the children of “foreign fighters” who had joined ISIS and had been given Iraqi, Syrian and Asian brides as part of their reward for doing so.

The spokesperson says, “As if it is not enough for IS to kill men, women and the elderly, and now, they kill children.”

The fatwa is akin to Adolf Hitler’s infamous “Aktion T4” program, which ordered the forced “euthanasia” on 300,000 disabled persons.

ISIS has been linked to other atrocities against children, including using many with mental health problems as human shields and suicide bombers.

The terror group has also released videos of its callous public executions of  suspected homosexuals, some showing masked militants dangling men from the top of building or cliffs, before dropping them head first.

Recently in its online English-language propaganda magazine Dabiq, ISIS made it clear that through its grisly executions it is unflinchingly carrying out something that will “protect Muslims from treading the same rotten course that the West has chosen to pursue.”

Apparently, not being baby killers is a bad thing.

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