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Two Escaped Murders Leave Taunting Note After Brazen Jail Break

“Have a Nice Day!” read a yellow sticky note attached to a pipe, the only trace of Richard Matt, 48, and David Sweat, 34, two convicted murderers.

The two killers who cut their way out of a maximum security prison with power tools sometime between Friday evening and Saturday morning’s “standing count” of inmates at the Clinton Correctional Facility, in Dannemora, New York.

The two convicts cut through a steel wall and then followed a series of service tunnels until they emerged from a manhole outside the prison walls.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the escape was the first on record at the facility, going on to say that “These are dangerous people,” and that they should “not be trifled with.”

More than 200 law enforcement officers are now engaged in the manhunt for the escapees.

Matt was convicted of three counts of murder, three counts of kidnapping and two counts of robbery in December 1997, after he kidnapped a man and beat him to death. He was serving a 25 years to life sentence.

Sweat was serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole after being convicted of first-degree murder in the death of a sheriff’s deputy in July 2002.

The two men tricked guards by arranging things in the bunks to look “like people were sleeping … with these sweatshirt hoodies on,” the governor said. That ploy ensured they weren’t noticed as missing until 5:30am on Saturday morning.

The men occupied side-by-side cells and somehow obtained power tools to cut through the steel wall in their cells, officials said. It remains a mystery as to how, exactly, they obtained the tools, though the facility, open since 1845, was undergoing regular maintenance at the time, which could have allowed the opportunity to steal the items.

The escapees then followed a catwalk “down an elaborate maze of pipes into tunnels and exited a series of tunnels at the manhole cover,” he said.

The governor personally toured the escape route on Saturday.

“It was elaborate, it was sophisticated,” he said. “It involved drilling through steel walls, steel pipes.”

The facility is the state’s largest prison with a population of 2,689 inmates.

Authorities continued to search for the men on Sunday morning, erected road blocks and searching cars at checkpoints in the area of the escape.

Pricey Instagram Art Highlights Social Media Privacy Issues

Would you pay $90,000 for a six foot high Instagram screenshot? While that may be a little over budget for most Americans, collectors around the world are snapping up the controversial new works by notable photographer Richard Prince.

Prince’s new collection was created entirely from photos he found on the popular social media app, Instagram. The large portraits are primarily pictures of women, many in sexually charged poses.

Prince enlarged screenshots he took of social media posts to 6-foot-tall inkjet prints. He then put his own unique comments underneath each post.

The works have been displayed at New York City’s prestigious Gagosian Gallery since October, and were showcased last month at the Frieze Art Fair in New York.

“I don’t have issue with that that’s its appropriation or the price. I have issue with the fact that it’s bad,” stated art critic, Paddy Johnson.

Johnson thinks the reason for the price drop is simple, “What does it tell us about the world? Nothing. What does it tell us about Instagram? Nothing. What does it tell us about the pictures? Nothing. So those three nothing’s make for a zero.”

Yet others would disagree. The works are highly controversial because Prince has paid absolutely nothing to the original posters of the photos and users feel violated that their pictures will now hang in someone’s house. A number of his ‘subjects’ have spoke out against his use of their pictures.

Prince’s art highlights just how privacy invading social networks are. If you post things to the world, as nearly all Americans do, you lose ownership of them plain and simple. This is due to both the public nature of social media sites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, as well as the privacy policies in which these sites operate.

The basic takeaway is that if you own something, keep it far away from social media or risk your claim to ownership.

Richard Prince has been testing this controversial issue since the 1970s, when he started taking pictures of photos found in magazines or advertisements, and then altering them in various ways.

In 2008, he was taken to court for his use of pictures but, after a lengthy trial and appeals process, a judge ruled that Prince had not committed copyright infringement because his works were “transformative.”


Beatiful 1917 School Chalkboards That Time Forgot Offer Rare Glimpse Of American Life

Nearly 100 years ago unknown teachers and students scribbled lessons on an Oklahoma classroom chalk boards and they haven’t been touched since.

Just why this came to be remains a mystery but contractors removing old chalkboards at Emerson High School in Oklahoma City unearthed them this week, untouched since 1917.

“The penmanship blows me away, because you don’t see a lot of that anymore,” Emerson High School Principal Sherry Kishore said. “Some of the handwriting in some of these rooms is beautiful.”

Ironically enough the renovation was being carried out to remove the school’s current chalk boards and move four classrooms to more modern whiteboards.

A spokeswoman for Oklahoma City Public School District said it is working with the city to “preserve the ‘chalk’ work of the teachers that has been captured in time.”

The intricate lesson drawing reveal some interesting finds. One of which is a wheel that was used to teach multiplication tables. “I have never seen that technique in my life,” Kishore said.

The boards carry the work of both teachers and students. One common theme is pilgrims, which was a core part of the curriculum in 1917. How to be clean was also a topic discussed in the classroom that one day in 1917, now preserved forever.

“Their names are here; I don’t know whether they were students in charge that day that got to do the special chores if they were the ones that had a little extra to do because they were acting up,” Kishore said. “But it’s all kinds of different feelings when you look at this.”








Terror Group ISIS Now Has Chemical Weapons

The ISIS juggernaut continues to gather strength each day as Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has confirmed that the militants have used chlorine gas weapons and are actively recruiting highly trained scientists in order to grow their chemical weapons program.

Bish called ISIS “one of the gravest security threats we face today,” at a forum for international cooperation on security.

“Apart from some crude and small scale endeavors, the conventional wisdom has been that the terrorist intention to acquire and weaponize chemical agents has been largely aspirational,” Bishop said in a speech on Friday.

“The use of chlorine by Daish [ISIS], and its recruitment of highly technically trained professionals, including from the West, have revealed far more serious efforts in chemical weapons development,” she said.

“Daish is likely to have amongst its tens of thousands of recruits the technical expertise necessary to further refine precursor materials and build chemical weapons,” Bishop said.

The first reports of ISIS using chemical weapons came in January, when Iraqi Kurdish authorities found evidence the weapons were used against their peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq.

Soil and clothing samples taken after an ISIS bombing attack couldn’t be independently verified as containing traces of the deadly gas.

Chlorine gas shokes victims and first used in World War One. It is banned under the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, although ISIS does not observe internationally accepted rules of war.

Report Shows Over 1000 Children Killed By Indiscriminate Israeli Bombing In Gaza

New statistics from Defense for Children International highlight the deep level of depravity in the Gaza strip. A report released June 4th shows that the Israeli army killed more than 980 Palestinian children under age 18 and injured hundreds more during its three year assault on Palestinian land.

During its indiscriminate military attacks on Gaza, which we’ve profiled here, Israel repeatedly violated international standards that protect children’s rights.

The organization found that 2014 was the deadliest for Gaza children, as more than 530 of them were killed by Israeli attacks.

The number of civilian deaths has been increasingly under scrutiny by the international community, with the United Nations deeming Israel’s actions to be a genocide. Genocide is defined as direct or indirect activities that result in a group’s survival being threatened.

Just last summer, 500 Palestinian children were killed and 3,300 wounded during Israeli’s Operation Protective Edge.

In addition to the deaths, “around 500-700 Palestinian children are arrested, detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system each year. The majority of Palestinian child detainees are charged with throwing stones, and three out of four experience physical violence during arrest, transfer or interrogation,” the group said.

The statistics show just how little regard Israel has for the human life of its neighbor. Its hard-line president, Benjamin Netanyahu, has openly advocated for the elimination of the Palestinian people, in remarks loudly condemned by world leaders.

Yet despite the ongoing genocide the world remains on the sidelines. Israel is the only dependable western military ally in the region and is also the largest arms customer of the United States. It also operates a powerful lobby operation, ensuring that the serial human rights abuser remains political connected to western countries despite committing atrocities.

Airbus Unveils Europe’s First Reusable Spacecraft

Airbus, the maker of Europe’s Ariane rocket, has unveiled a partially reusable rocket concept, joining the likes of SpaceX and United Launch Alliance (ULA).

Code-named “Adeline”, the system has the booster’s main engines fly themselves back to Earth after a launch.Getting the engines back to earth is important, as they’re the most expensive piece of the spacecraft. Upon returning them to earth, the engines would then be refurbished and used in future missions.

The concept has been under development since 2010 and small scale models have even been flight tested.

The European aerospace giant is looking to defend the market position of Ariane, which has launched nearly half of all the large communications satellites in orbit today.

America’s SpaceX and ULA appear to be making more progress on their re-usable rockets, with SpaceX very close to having a fully operational system in production.

The new re-usable portion goes hand in hand with the next-generation Ariane, which, in the present design, is not re-usable.

But the company, feeling pressure from advanced American firms, will try to bolt on the Adeline concept to the new rocket.

“The current design for Ariane 6 is fixed. For its maiden flight in 2020, it will not change,” said Francois Auque, head of space systems at Airbus Defence and Space.

“But it is absolutely normal that in parallel we begin to think about what will be the evolution of Ariane 6, because if we don’t already pave the way for those evolutions we will not be in a position to implement them somewhere between 2025 and 2030.”

Adeline is a winged module that goes on the bottom of the rocket and contains the valuable main engines and the avionics.

The module would detach itself from the upper-stages of the rocket once the propellants in the tanks above it were consumed.

It would then re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere, using a protective heat shield on its nose.

As it comes back down to earth it would then use its small winglets, and steer itself towards a runway, helped by small propellers.

Herve Gilibert, a chief technical officer at Airbus Defence and Space, said that Ariane engines could be re-flown 10-20 times.

“We have the conviction that we will generate savings for one given launch on the order of 20-30%, which will make us highly competitive.”

It remains to be seen when this product would hit the market, but it appears to be at least ten years behind American firm SpaceX, widely regarded as the world leader in re-usable rocket technology.

China Starts Using Drones To Catch Exam Cheaters

Chinese students are notorious cheaters. In the United States the problem has resulted in 8,000 of them being expelled for poor academic performance and 15 were recently arrested in sophisticated entrance exam cheating scheme.

China’s National College Entrance Exam (Gaokao), a test widely known as the world’s hardest exam, has had its own share of cheating. The government has recently cracked down on test cheaters and bribers, but the problems are serious.

So serious, in fact, that the testing body will now use drones to catch cheaters.

In Luoyang, a city in the Chinese province of Henan, authorities will use newly developed anti-cheating drones during the two-day long exam, which is taken by over 10 million Chinese students across the country.

The drones will try to catch Gaokao cheaters using sophisticated equipment such as glasses with embedded cameras, pens paired with in-ear receivers and t-shirts with hidden cellphone and radio transmitters.

The drones are specifically designed to catch this type of electronic cheating. by hovering 1,640 feet in the air above testing sites and scanning for radio signals.

The drones are controlled by tablet and will alert operators if they detect a radio signal. The operator will then fly closer to the detected source in order to pinpoint its precise position.

The penalties for cheating are harsh, with a three year ban on taking the test the usual punishment, although in some cases students can be prosecuted.

In China there is extreme pressure for students to perform well on entrance exams. So much pressure is put on the exam that overly stressed students routinely turn to suicide as a way out.

In 2014 alone there were 79 student suicides related to taking entrance exams among elementary and high school students in China.

The Largest Pension Fund In The World Will No Longer Invest In Coal Companies

Norway’s mammoth $890 billion government-pension fund, the largest sovereign-wealth fund in the world, is known for its world-leading oversight. Every investment decision is reviewed not only for its potential profits, but also for a large list of Norwegian core values.

The fund announced this week an addition to that list: No coal. As such, the fund will sell off many of its investments related to coal, making it the biggest institution to join the growing movement to abandon fossil-fuel investments.

Parliament voted the change through on Friday, ordering the fund to shift its holdings out of companies whose businesses rely on coal. Any business that does more than 30 percent of its business in coal must be divested, a move which will see billions of dollars pulled from the dirty companies.

The decision is ironic because much of Norway’s wealth comes from the production of oil and gas.

Norway joins The Church of England, which announced last month that it would drop companies involved with coal or oil sands projects and French insurer AXA, who cut all coal-related investments from its portfolio.

Members of the super-wealthy Rockefeller family, whose money came from Standard Oil, also have pledged to eliminate coal from their philanthropic Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

While the moves are largely symbolic, given the massive market caps of big fossil fuels companies and hungry investors, they show a growing global trend towards reducing reliance on fossil fuel and eliminating pollution.

Even China, the world’s worst polluter, has pledged to drastically cut back coal power plants, as the smog literally chokes its economy.

Amnesty International Starts Movement To Obtain Pardon For Edward Snowden

Respected human rights group Amnesty International has launched a campaign to get President Obama to withdraw espionage charges against NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Amnesty has stepped up its campaign to get the charges against him dropped to mark the two year anniversary of Snowden going public on the extent of the NSA’s illegal surveillance activities against law-abiding American citizens.

Snowden narrowly escaped U.S. attempts to extradite him, eventually ending up in Russia where he currently lives. Due to a serious U.S. effort to capture him, he cannot leave Russia.

Amnesty spokeswoman Harriet Garland said that

“Snowden’s actions changed the face of digital communications globally. Thanks to him, we now know that governments everywhere are intercepting and storing the private information of people on a mass scale, without our consent.”

In a streamed interview on Tuesday, Snowden termed the recent expiry of the Patriot Act a minor victory. As we’ve profiled here, the expiry does little to the agency’s spy schemes but does show public support is turning against the spying.

Snowden also warned of UK spy zealot David Cameron’s unprecedented attack of privacy and human rights.

“If you think this doesn’t matter to you because you’ve got nothing to hide, think again: this is about your right to privacy, a right that is being violated when you make a call, send an email or search something on the internet,” said Amnesty.

Snowden currently faces up to 30 years in prison if he returns to the United States. Amnesty called the penalties a shocking price to pay for exposing human rights abuses.

Greek Banks Near Collapse As 700 Million Euros Leaves Country In One Day

The Greek government may have felt good going into the weekend about stiffing the IMF of a debt payment this week yet the country continued to edge closer to a financial catastrophe. The latest indication of just how close the country is to bankruptcy comes courtesy of investors, who pulled a stunning €1 billion from Greek banks over the course of Thursday and Friday.

Greek banks are already extremely weak, depending on the ECB for some €80.7 billion in Emergency Liquidity Assistance. That’s about 60% of total deposits in the Greek financial system as of April 30th.

Basically Greece is woefully insolvent and relying on the day to day generosity of the ECB to prevent a roughly 40% forced “bail in”. Such a bail-in would mean depositors would see 40% of their savings vanish at the stroke of a pen.

This fact hasn’t gone unnoticed, with an estimate €700 million leaving Greek banks on Friday alone.

Nervousness increased this week particularly because Greece admitted its coffers are totally empty and was forced to “bundle” its €345 million payment to the IMF with other future payments, into a lump €1.5 billion payment.

This future payment will likely never happen and the markets know it.

The outstanding amount of the total deposits of the private sector (households and corporations) has declined to under €130 billion or lower than the levels at early 2004.

The new capital flights saw total net outflows in the last 7 business days of €3.4 billion, posing a serious threat to the stability of the Greek banks.

Put another way, 2.5% of all Greek deposits were pulled in just the past 5 days.

The banks were likely saved by the conveniently timed weekend but look for the bank runs to continue the second they open for business on Monday.

450 Dead In Chinese Ferry Sinking Raises Numerous Questions

China’s break-neck economic growth comes at many prices. Its environment is fouled, it shows little regard for human rights and its government routinely harms it neighbors in the international community.

Another cost is shoddy infrastructure.

That issue was put on display this week as a ferry capsized in the Yangtze River Monday night, killing an estimated 442 people.

Just 14 people on board survived.

The sinking raises numerous questions about the incident in particular and China as a whole. While authorities have taken the captain and chief engineer into custody, they have revealed little about the incident.

The only detail thus far released is the claim that a tornado hit the ship, yet it’s unclear why the Eastern Star was the only ship on a busy waterway to be so badly affected.

Chinese media further added to the confusion, giving greatly understated fatality estimates all week, even as the chance of finding survivors dwindled.

Such obfuscation is a hallmark of Chinese society, where the notoriously tight-lipped communist party feeds the population a steady diet of heavily filtered media so as not to highlight serious shortcomings, usually the result of its corrupt and undemocratic rulers.

This lack of transparency results in problems being buried instead of solved and contributes to disasters such as the Eastern Star. The cost of this fanatical secrecy is human lives.

In a statement through a lawyer, the ship’s operator, Chongqing Eastern Shipping Corp., apologized to families and said the company is cooperating with investigators.

“I have been in deep pain since the start of the incident. I felt extremely sorrowful for all people that perished,” said Jiang Zhao, a lawyer for the company.

“This incident caused irreparable harms to the families of the hundreds. It also caused irreparable harms to the families of our employees who lost their lives. … All my company and I can do is to do everything to work with the search and rescue work, and truthfully cooperate with the investigation.”

Air Force Will No Longer Discharge Soldiers For Being Transgender

The U.S. Air Force is becoming more progressive as it inches its way towards a more permissive approach to gender dysphoria.

On Thursday, the Air Force announced that for enlisted airmen, there is no grounds for discharge for anyone with gender dysphoria or who identifies as transgender.

The only grounds for dismissal would be if his or her condition interfered with their potential deployment or performance while on active duty.

“Identification as transgender, absent a record of poor duty performance, misconduct, or a medically disqualifying condition, is not a basis for involuntary separation,” the Air Force said in a statement.

This statement marks the most progressive language yet from Air Force officials. In addition to the new policy, according to senior Air Force official Daniel Sitterly, any move to discharge a transgender service member will now be taken by the central air force review board. This will improve consistency across all commands.

While the move is progressive, the Pentagon still has official instructions to military recruiters that tell them to reject anyone with a “history of major abnormalities or defects of the genitalia including but not limited to change of sex”.

This dismissive approach saw American armed forces rank just 40th out of 103 in a global league table of militaries and their inclusion of LGBT service members.

The armed forces of countries such as Australia, Canada, Germany and the UK all allow transgenders to serve openly.

Sparta, a group of serving and former LBGT armed forces members, said it was aware of four or five current transgender service members who have been allowed to continue serving by supportive commanders.

“We are aware of some instances where a transgender service member has quietly been allowed to transition with the support of their commanders, although that hasn’t necessarily been shared all the way up the chain of command,” said Sue Fulton, Sparta’s president.

While progress is slowly being made, the confusion about the military’s policy towards transgender service members shows no sign of getting more clear in the foreseeable future.

Lieutenant commander Nate Christensen, a Pentagon spokesman, confirmed to reporters that there are no large-scale plans to review such policies in the near future.

Rural America Sits Idle In The Midst Of Dramatic Hepatitis C Outbreak

According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hepatitis C infection rates have more than tripled in four Appalachian states over the last four years.

The cause? An increase in injectable drug abuse.

The infections are hitting people under the age of 30, mostly in rural areas and particularly in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.

In the four states the infection rates rose 364% during the six years, according to the report.

“Demographic and behavioral data accompanying these reports show young persons (30 and under) from nonurban areas contributed to the majority of cases, with about 73% citing (injection drug use) as a principal risk factor,” the report found.

Heroin is the main culprit, which is sadly consistent with national reports that found an increase in first-time heroin use from 90,000 people in 2006 to 156,000 people in 2012.

While Hepatitis infection is high, HIV infection remains low. However CDC officials are concerned that Appalachia could see a sudden spike in HIV similar to what is happening in Indiana, the site of nation’s largest HIV outbreak in 20 years.

Rural America in particular refuses to use modern risk reduction strategies, such as needle exchanges, to stop a potential outbreak before it occurs. In Indiana needle exchanges are still technically banned and only allowed on a case by case basis.

Injectable drugs are the main factor behind the Indiana outbreak which mean Appalachia has all the ingredients necessary for an outbreak of the deadly disease.

Iran Launches SCUD Missile At Saudi Arabia As Proxy War Heats Up

The proxy war in Syria between Iran and Saudi Arabia became more direct on Saturday as a SCUD missile fired by Yemeni Shiite rebels into Saudi Arabia was shot down by the Saudi’s early Saturday, according to the country’s official news agency.

The event is highly significant as it is the first use of a missile in the war between Saudi forces and Iran-allied Houthi rebels. It also indicates the level of support the Houthis are receiving, as the SCUD missiles likely came from Iran.

The missile, launched at the southwestern city of Khamis Mushait, was intercepted by a Patriot missile battery, according to the Saudi Press Agency.

Saudi Arabia has been bombing Houthi rebels since March in what has become a battle between Saudi Arabia and Iran over control of the region.

The bloody conflict has claimed over 2,000 lives. Saudi Arabia is seeking to restore the government of ousted President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi but the offensive has so far failed to stop rebel advances in southern Yemen or force their withdrawal from any territory they hold.

The Iranian sponsored Houthi fighters captured the Yemeni capital of Sana’a in September and seized the presidential palace in January. President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi was forced to flee the country.

The missile attack on Saudi soil comes after the Houthi forces launched a ground offensive targeting the Saudi border on Friday. Saudi-owned Al Arabiya described the fighting as the “largest attack” they had seen so far in the conflict.

In addition to the missile attack, four Saudi soldiers and dozens of Houthi rebels were killed near the border on Saturday.

Wal Mart’s Chairman Steps Down Amid Intense Pressure From Amazon

Wal Mart, the nation’s largest single employer after the Federal government, made the surprise announcement that Rob Walton, Chairman of the Board since 1992, was stepping down.

He will be replaced with vice-Chairman Greg Penner, grandson of founder Sam Walton and son-in-law of Rob. Penner started his career at Goldman Sachs before joining the retailer as a management trainee.

Penner’s notable accomplishment at Wal Mart is being Chairman of their Technology and eCommerce Committee since it was formed in 2011. His blend of finance, technology and international business expertise were all cited as reasons for the move.

He’s also young, at just 45 years old, showing Wal Mart is thinking to the future and wanting someone who is going to stay in the role awhile.

The established retailer is currently in a dogfight with rival discount retailer Amazon, with the difference being Amazon doesn’t sell in stores, only online.

Wal Mart both wants and fears this business. They’re clearly looking to strengthen their talent base in the online sector and so the move to Penner makes sense. In addition to his finance and tech chops, he also worked in Japan for a number of years, which should help him steer Wal Mart to oversees success.

The sudden decision also indicates the board felt the need for a change, now. Usually such changes in leadership occur over a long period but in this case its pretty sudden.

On the whole, its a surprising yet rational transition.

Make no mistake, though, that the stakes are high. The chart below shows the market cap of both Amazon and Wal Mart over the last decade. You can clearly see the market is betting on Amazon and its online strategy rather than Wal Mart and its brick and mortar retail network.


World’s Safest Drug Dealer Appealing His Life Sentence

Ross Ulbricht, the man who brought drug dealing into the 21st century, surely deserves some jail time for flagrantly violating the law.

Ulbircht, known online as ‘Dread Pirate Robert’, was convicted last week of running the online drug marketplace Silk Road. His sentence was worse than death: Life in jail with no chance of parole.

Before sentencing, Ulbricht wrote a letter to Judge Katherine Forrest pleading with her to “leave a light at the end of the tunnel” and to let him have his “old age”.

Yet he received the harshest possible sentence for all counts – one for 20 years, one for five years, one for 15 years and two for life.

Lawyers for Ulbricht will appeal on the grounds that they only learned a month before going to trial that two of the FBI agents investigating Silk Road were being charged with corruption and money laundering themselves. That’s certainly grounds for appeal it would seem.

Yet another question, whether legal or not, is whether Ulbricht was less dangerous than a regular street corner drug dealer and in fact saved lives, rather than took them.

Ulbricht’s marketplace, as we profiled in a detailed piece here, had an on-site physician, providing purity testing, drug interaction advice and addiction counseling to Ulbricht’s customers.

This is markedly different than the sale of street drugs, which come with none of these health improving services.

Judge Forrest’s sentence completely ignored this rather large fact and for that she should be ashamed.

Ulbricht legitimately, for the first time in history, took the health of his customers into account when providing them drugs. The scale of his operation, which cleared hundreds of millions of dollars in sales, means his on-site doctor wasn’t just effective – he was massively effective.

Compared to drug cartels controlling most sales in America, who care zero for their customers and lace their products with all sorts of nasty chemicals, Ulbricht genuinely cared for his customers.

He undoubtedly saved many lives and improved others, yet Forrest focused on a handful of people who may or may not have died and may have died at the hands of others anyway.

Nowhere was any credit given for the harm reduction he helped provide. Nowhere was the precedent he set recognized in any way.

This is a severe oversight of justice and should be factored into his sentencing upon appeal. For the crimes he has been found guilty of today, life in jail is a sentence far too harsh.

A separate case, in which Ulbricht is accused of trying to procure a murder-for-hire, is still pending in a Maryland court.

Should he be found guilty of those crimes, Katherine Forrest’s sentence would be appropriate.

But they are not the same charges or even the same case. Justice is blind to them at this point.

As it stands now, the war on drugs has claimed another bright, enterprising young American who is condemned to rot in jail for the rest of his natural life.

A tragedy, like so many others.

ISIS Launching Rockets At Israel To Provoke More Violence Against Palestinians

The conflict in the middle east got uglier this week as Palestinian defense force Hamas began battling ISIS loyalists in Gaza who fired rockets into Israel earlier in the week. Hamas fears the extremists could weaken its hold on Gaza by provoking more conflict with Israel.

The Hamas campaign against ISIS had been steadily intensifying even before, as Hamas knows Israel will take any excuse it can find to commit more atrocities.

Like clockwork Israel immediately mounted air strikes against Hamas bases on Wednesday, ignoring the fact it was a small Salafi jihadist group that had pledged allegiance to ISIS and was looking to cause retaliatory air strikes.

Hamas has launched a wave of arrests, detaining hundreds of jihadists over the past month and also shot dead Yussef al-Hanar, 27, a local Salafist leader, in the northern Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City.

Tuesday evening’s rocket fire, which landed in open areas, was immediately claimed by a group calling itself the Omar Brigades, which claimed it was avenging al-Hanar’s death.

Despite the Israel knowing this, thanks to their world-best intelligence service, they decided to bomb Gaza anyway and continue their genocide against the Palestinian people.

In recent week, the Omar Brigades are thought to have carried out a series of night-time bomb blasts, none of which have caused casualties.

Targets have included bases with Hamas fighters in them.

Hamas officials claim to have stopped a plan to explode a 30kg car bomb last month just minutes before it was due to detonate in Gaza City’s packed Shujaiyyah market area, while also detaining the would-be bomber and the driver of a get-away vehicle.

There are estimated to be 2,000 Salafists in Gaza while Hamas has an estimated 40,000. Despite the advantage in numbers, the Salafists can cause many times more damage to Gaza by simply antagonizing Israel who will then launch air strikes, indiscriminately killings scores of Palestinians.

“They are destabilizing Hamas and they are threatening the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas,” said Mukhaimer Abu Sada’a, of Gaza City’s al-Azhar University. “As soon as these groups launch missiles at Israel, Israel will hold Hamas responsible.”

Moshe Ya’alon, the Israeli defence minister, is strongly in favor of the continued genocide stating that “even if those doing the shooting are rogue gangs from global jihadi groups trying to challenge Hamas by shooting at us.”

With statements like that its little wonder that the world community is supporting the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, who continues to perpetrate unspeakable horrors against a whole culture, intent on removing them from the face of the earth.

Placenta Pill Services Preying On Young Mothers Found To Be Nothing But Snake Oil

For trendy young mothers with money to burn, bottling and eating the placenta of your child is all the rage. The services, costing in excess of $1000, promise increased vitamins that are allegedly good for a young mother’s health.

The practice has been used by celebutants like Kourtney Kardashian, celebrities like January Jones and even celebrity CEOs like Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer.

But a review by Northwestern University found absolutely no proven benefits while also uncovering that no research has been done on the potential risks.

The review, published in the Archives of Women’s Mental Health, looked at 10 published studies related on placenta eating by humans.

Whether eaten raw, cooked or in pill form, no study was able to show any health benefits of the practice, which is uncommon in humans but is done by wild animals.

Placentophagy, the term given to the practice by bloggers and social media users, has been credited with all sorts of too good to be true health claims such as reduced pain after delivery, increase energy levels, increased breast milk production and even credited with enhancing bonding between mother and child.

It has also been credited with replenishing iron stores in the body, yet the researchers said this was based on subjective reports rather than actual scientific research.

More worryingly, the researchers also found no studies which looked at the risks associated with eating the placenta, which is surprising given the organ acts as a filter to absorb and protect the developing fetus from toxins and pollutants present in a mother’s bloodstream.

The result is that deadly bacteria or viruses remain within the placenta tissues after birth.

Cynthia Coyle, lead author of the study and a clinical psychologist at Northwestern University, said:

“Our sense is that women choosing placentophagy, who may otherwise be very careful about what they are putting into their bodies during pregnancy and nursing, are willing to ingest something without evidence of its benefits and, more importantly, of its potential risks to themselves and their nursing infants.

There are no regulations as to how the placenta is stored and prepared, and the dosing is inconsistent.

“Women really don’t know what they are ingesting.”

Dr Daghni Rajasingam, spokesman for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, a prestigious UK medical body concurred, saying that although the placenta is very rich in blood flow, there were serious potential risks to ingesting it.

“What women do with their placenta is up to them – but I wouldn’t recommend they eat it.”

The news will surely not be welcomed by the snake oil industry of quack science that has sprung up around the practice of placenta eating. The services can charge in excess of $1000 to prepare the bodily fluids for consumption after pregnancy. Its big business and the latest research could see either the FDA or FTC become involved given the numerous off-base health claims service providers are making.

60 Million Americans May Have Cat Parasite Linked To Mental Illness, Schizophrenia

New research shows that fluffy, cuddly kittens may be infecting millions of Americans with a nasty parasite scientists are starting to link to mental illness.

The parasite, Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), is the most common parasite in developed nations. Carried by cats, the parasite can infect any warm-blooded animals, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimating more than 60 million people in the U.S. alone may be infected.

While most people would never show any symptoms of having it, those with weaker immune systems have long been known to get an illness called toxoplasmosis, which can result in fetal development disorders, miscarriages, blindness, flu-like illness, and in extreme cases death.

While it has also been somewhat associated with mental disorders, namely schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, two more studies have explored the relationship much deeper than before.

The most recent study, conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and published in Schizophrenia Research, compared two previous studies linking childhood cat ownership and schizophrenia later in life, with an unpublished 1982 survey on mental health.

The results indicated that cat exposure in childhood could be a risk factor for mental disorders later in life.

“Cat ownership in childhood has now been reported in three studies to be significantly more common in families in which the child is later diagnosed with schizophrenia or another serious mental illness,” the authors said in a media release.

A second recent study conducted at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam analyzed the findings of 50 studies to examine if T. gondii infection is associated with mental disorders.

The analysis showed those infected with T. gondii were almost twice as likely to develop schizophrenia than those who were not. They also linked infection with addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

“In schizophrenia, the evidence of an association with T. gondii is overwhelming,” the authors said in a news release. “These findings may give further clues about how T. gondii infection can possibly [alter] the risk of specific psychiatric disorders.”

According to The Humane Society there are 75 to 80 million house cats and another 30 to 40 million stray cats the United States. Outdoor cats are more likely to carry the disease.

“Children can be protected by keeping their cat exclusively indoors and always covering the sandbox when not in use,” the CDC recommends. The agency also suggests changing the cat’s litter box daily, as T. gondii only becomes infectious 1 to 5 days after it is shed in feces.

Health officials also recommend that pregnant women avoid cleaning litter boxes due to being more susceptible to the disease.

Finland Seizes Priceless Treasures Stolen By ISIS And Bound For Moscow

Russia is hardly known for its good morals or adherence to the rule of law, a fact further confirmed on Friday when Finnish customs agents intercepted millions of dollars of priceless Syrian artwork that was stolen by ISIS and bound for a rich Russian collector.

“There a great deal of archaeological material in the Middle East related to humankind’s early history that in many ways is irreplaceable,” Chief Intendant Jouni Kuurne of Finland’s National Board of Antiquities said in a statement.

The most valuable piece seized by Finnish Customs was a decorative ceramic plaque looted from a Syrian shrine. The priceless relic dates to the 1400s, making it both exceedingly rare and valuable.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has repeatedly warned about the destruction of Syria’s world heritage sites and the looting of art treasures.

“This is a new phenomenon. We have cases under investigation in which items originated in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Norway and France,” says Sanna Kuparinen, the head of investigations at Finland’s National Board of Customs.

Smugglers have been passing the artwork through Finland on its way to collectors in Russia mixed in with shipments of art and antiquities dating from the Soviet period. There are no restrictions on such items so long as export permits have been acquired in the countries from which they are shipped.

The professionally organized operations have been contracting with ISIS to purchase ultra-rare looted intiquities who then falsify the contents, their origin and the value of items in order to get them in the handy of greedy Russian collectors.

“This is an excellent way to convert cash into assets that retain value,” points out Sanna Kuparinen, alluding to why rich Russian collectors want such items.

The cash is also useful to ISIS, who is funding a large-scale war against Iraq, Syria and Tunisia. It also operates terror cells in a variety of western countries and must provide civil services in the territories it occupies.

Finnish authorities said they are currently investigating an addition three cases and urged the public to come forward if they have information regarding the smuggling.

Vietnam To Buy U.S. Fighter Planes In Move To Counter China’s Aggressive Military

Vietnam, a user of Russian weapons since its war with the United States in the 70s, is in unprecedented talks with European and U.S. contractors to buy advanced fighter jets, maritime patrol planes and unarmed drones to improve its aerial defenses to combat China’s growing assertiveness in disputed waters.

The battle-hardened country already owns three Russian-built Kilo-attack submarines, generally regarded as among the best available for purchase in the world, and has three more on order as part of a $2.6 billion deal signed in 2009.

Added a sophisticated modern air force would give Vietnam one of the most potent militaries in Southeast Asia.

The country is the best trained military force in Asia, only behind China because of its smaller size and less advanced technology.

The new aircraft would be either from U.S. firms Lockheed Martin Corp and Boeing, Swedish defense contractor Saab or European consortium Eurofighter said industry sources.

The fact Lockheed, Boeing and Eurofighter are in the mix suggest that whatever Vietnam buys will not be old and outdated but, like its Kilo class subs, will be modern and more than capable of winning against increasingly advanced Chinese fighters.

While no deals have yet been signed, representatives from all companies in the bidding have made multiple trips to Vietnam over the last few months.

Defense industry sources say Hanoi wants to replace more than 100 ageing Russian MiG-21 fighters while reducing its reliance on Moscow, who is increasingly viewed as China’s one and only ally.

Vietnam has already ordered about 12 Russian Sukhoi Su-30 front-line fighters to augment a fleet of older Su-27s and Su-30s.

“We had indications they want to reduce their dependence on Russia. Their growing friendship with America and Europe will help them to do that,” said the defense contractor.

The disclosure of the discussions comes just days after U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter’s visit to the country and pledge $18 million to help Hanoi buy U.S. patrol boats.

While no comments have emerged from most of the firms, Boeing seemed keen to win the businesses, stating that it believed it had capabilities in “intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms that may meet Vietnam’s modernization needs”.

Vietnam increasingly views Washington as a reliable defense partner and also a key economic ally. The country has been on a campaign to increase ties with both the United States and Europe in recent years, as it emerges as one of Asia’s fastest growing and modern economies.

World Outraged As Iceland Ships 1700 Tons Of Endangered Whale Meat To Japan

The international community strongly condemned Iceland and Japan on Friday after reports emerged that an Icelandic ship loaded with 1,700 tons of whale meat left for Japan on Thursday. The move prompted outrage from environmental groups and social media.

“Winter Bay has left Hafnarfjordur harbor with 1,700 tons of whale meat with Ghana… as their first destination,” Sigursteinn Masson, Iceland spokesman for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.

Japan uses a network of loosely regulated African countries, like Ghana, to conceal the fact it continues to harvest and eat rare whales and other marine mammals, as we’ve profiled here in the past.

Iceland and Norway are the only nations that openly defy the International Whaling Commission’s 1986 ban on hunting whales. while Japan thinly disguises its commercial whale hunt as ‘research’.

The hunt regularly draws activists, such as conservation group Sea Sheppard, in confrontations that frequently turn violent.
According to Icelandic newspaper Eyjan, the meat was loaded aboard a ship near the capital Reykjavik two weeks ago, but mechanical issues delayed the vessel’s departure until yesterday.

Last year’s shipment from Iceland to Japan, which contained over 100 rare whales, made only one stop outside Madagascar’s harbor because in South Africa, where another stop was planned, protests prompted the government to declare them unwelcome.

The ship is now forced to anchor offshore because of the threat of protests.

Last September, the 28 member states of the European Union and a coalition including the U.S., Australia, Brazil, Israel and New Zealand stated their “strong opposition to Iceland’s continuing and increased harvest of whales…and to its ongoing international trade in whale products.”

We suggest you share this story far and wide to raise awareness of this activity and bring it to a halt.

Corrupt FIFA President, Fearing Arrest, Refuses To Attend Olympics Meeting In Switzerland

Formerly defiant FIFA ringleader Sepp Blatter, who is resigning as president of world football’s scandal-plagued governing body, has decided he’d rather not end up like six of his colleagues, who were arrested in Switzerland last week.

As such, he will not attend an International Olympic Committee meeting in Lausanne next week, the IOC said in a statement.

“He informed the IOC president some time ago he will not be attending,” an IOC official was quoted as saying.

Blatter, as head of FIFA, is an IOC member, which also casts a negative spotlight on the Olympic body, which has had corruption allegations leveled against it in the past. The IOC and FIFA operate very similar selection processes and share many members.

The IOC is slated to hold an executive board meeting in addition to a meeting for the 2022 winter Olympic bid cities between June 7-10.

FIFA claimed in a statement that the decision had been made in April, before the current crisis erupted, yet the motives behind it are clear: Blatter fears he will be arrested and extradited to the United States to face trial.

“Back in April the FIFA President informed the IOC that he would not be attending in person the session in Lausanne. His plans have not changed,” said FIFA.

“Future travel plans of the FIFA President will only be confirmed in due course.”

Those are not likely to include anywhere sympathetic to America, as already indicted senior official Jack Warner announced on Thursday he will fully cooperate with U.S. authorities and give intimate details and names of wrongdoing. That is likely to include Blatter, whom he directly reported to while working at FIFA.

Russian Space Program Is A Mess As It Delays Opening New Spaceport Until 2023

Fresh off of losing two rockets in the last sixty days trouble continued for Russia’s ailing space program as it announced on Friday that the first launch of a manned spacecraft from the new Vostochny Cosmodrome is now slated for 2023.

That’s three years later than originally planned, the head of Roscosmos, Igor Komarov, said Friday.

Vostochny is a $3 billion spaceport under construction in the Amur region of Russia’s Far East, which is intended to ensure Russia’s independent access to space by easing reliance on the aging and not on Russian soil Baikonur complex in Kazakhstan.

But the project, like the Sochi games or 2018 World Cup, has been plagued by corruption and missed construction deadlines.

“The first launch under the manned [spaceflight] program from Vostochny will take place in 2023,” Komarov was quoted as saying during a tour of the construction.

The first launch is slated to be an Angara-5V, which first launched in July last year. The V variant will be adapted to the safety standards required to launch astronauts.

The target deadline for manned launches from Vostochny aboard Soyuz rockets was prior to 2020, but last month newspaper Kommersant reported that the modified Angara rocket would be used instead. The modifications will take several years to complete, pushing the first manned launch past 2020, though it is likely this decision was taken due to construction issues and not the need for a new rocket.

Russia is not only struggling with corruption but is also having funding issues with Putin’s ambitious space program because of heavy economic sanctions placed on Russia for invading Ukraine.

Komarov said, “work on the Angara heavy rocket class is proceeding in two stages. First, we are preparing the launch complex for a launch of Angara in 2021 with an unmanned spacecraft.”

“The next step will be the creation of a second launch pad for the [heavy] Angara-A5, and […] the Angara-5V, [which] will carry a next generation manned spacecraft,” he said.

Komarov did not specify which exact spacecraft would be launched by the Angara-5V, but it is possible that it could be the long awaited New Generation Piloted Transport Ship, designed by Russia’s largest spaceship builder, RSC Energia.

The move would come a few years after NASA’s new SLS vehicle debuts and also after SpaceX and Boeing launch their own commercial manned spacecraft.

Deadly MERS Virus Continues To Spread, Kills Two More In South Korea

Middle East respiratory syndrome continues to plague South Korea as officials confirmed two more deaths in what has become the largest outbreak outside the Middle East. The country has seen four deaths so far and the country has announced significant measures to control any further spread.

Yet the government of President Park Geun-hye has been accused of not doing enough to contain the outbreak and of endangering public safety by withholding information.

The latest to assail the government was influential mayor of Seoul, Park Won-soon, who on Thursday lambasted national authorities for not disclosing that a doctor at a Seoul hospital had attended a gathering of more than 1,500 people only the day before being quarantined for symptoms.

Over 1,160 schools and kindergartens in South Korea have been temporarily closed, while many people are now wearing surgical masks when going out in public.

On Friday the government announced that five more people had tested positive, bringing the total number in South Korea to 41.

“It increased the possibility that the virus spread and infected more people,” mayor Park said, calling the issue a “grave situation.”

Health officials across the country have raced to track down anyone who may have come into contact with patients which has resulted in more than 1600 people being isolated in their homes or at state facilities.

North Korea is also now worried about the virus as on Thursday the North asked to borrow heat-detecting cameras to help screen South Korean factory managers as they commute to an industrial park run jointly by the two countries.

The South Korean government agreed to lend three of the cameras to the North, showing just how seriously the international community is taking the threat of the deadly disease.

MERS is similar to SARS, a virus that wreaked havoc on the world economy in 2003. As the virus spread world travel and tourism ground to a halt, causing tens of billions of economic losses, particularly in China, where the disease was first uncovered.

Yahoo Announces Its Shutting Down Maps And Other Properties

As consumers are increasingly using GPS enabled smartphones to plot their way around while driving, biking and walking, the pressure is high on those who provide such data to make sure its accurate and timely.

In recognition of this immense task, Yahoo announced yesterday it will ditch its ancient Yahoo Maps to focus on “search, communications and digital content.” Maps isn’t the only thing to go, as Yahoo is cutting a few more products that were popular with users but would never be commercial successes.

Yahoo Maps (maps.yahoo.com) will be gone by the end of June, though may appear again in future search upgrades.

“We made this decision to better align resources to Yahoo’s priorities as our business has evolved since we first launched Yahoo Maps eight years ago,” the company said in a report entitled “Q2 2015 Progress Report on Our Product Prioritization”

Other project to get the axe include:

  • The Yahoo mail app on Apple devices running iOS older than Version 5 as of June 15. This will be replaced by a mail.yahoo.com website.
  • GeoPlanet & PlaceSpotter APIs are being retired in the fall
  • Yahoo Pipes, a handy tool for playing with feeds and web page mashups, will go dark on August 30th
  • International media properties, like Yahoo Music and TV in Canada and France will also go away, though no timeline was given on these.
  • The move to close these properties makes commercial sense. They are low impact, low profit yet highly labor intensive and so should probably go.

    But the fact it has taken so long to get there suggests Yahoo, and CEO Marissa Mayer, are still figuring out what, exactly, Yahoo should be.

    Increasingly it appears Mayer’s idea of Yahoo is a more media-oriented version of Google, her former employer. Search and communications, two of the three pillars of the new platform, are exactly what Google does.

    Google is also in the content game, the third pillar, thanks to its YouTube video property. Mayer has gone into that space, acquiring Dailymotion, while also emulating Netflex, through commissioning shows like Community and hiring celeb news anchor Katie Couric. She also recently landed the first NFL regular season football game to appear for free on the web, which shows that ‘content’ in Yahoo-speak is video. And lots of it.

    It will be interesting to see if Yahoo can effectively compete with pure play video companies like Netflix and Hulu, while Apple TV rolls out across the industry.

    It may amount to a question of how long Mayer can, or wants to, retain her CEO title.

    New Blood Test Will Reveal Every Virus You’ve Ever Contracted

    While most people can’t remember every viral infection they’ve ever had their blood definitely can. A new test, developed by researchers in Boston, counts the antibodies present in a person’s blood to reveal the complete history of the viruses they’ve been infected with over the course of their life.

    The method is not only useful for diagnosing current and past illnesses, but also for developing vaccines and studying interactions between viruses and chronic disease.

    “This is really a technical tour de force,” claims immunologist Hidde Ploegh of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, who wasn’t involved with the work but sees the implications.

    The test also has the potential to reduce the number of tests required to find a particular pathogen, as presently medical staff most test blood samples for one pathogen at a time. This means a variety of tests looking for a variety of things. While the process is getting better, as companies like Theranos labs shrink test size and improve speed and accuracy, one test is always better than many.

    Researchers led by Stephen Elledge of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and Harvard Medical School developed their test by first assembling a library of almost a hundred thousand synthetic protein fragments, each representing a piece of a virus that an antibody might recognize.

    When the proteins are added to a drop of blood, antibodies attach to recognized fragments and from there researchers isolate the antibodies to determine which viruses someone has been infected with.

    The creative new test, dubbed VirScan, “allows scientists to ask questions that just couldn’t be asked before,” Elledge says. “You can compare groups of people—young and old or those with a disease and those without—and see whether there’s a difference in their viral histories.”

    In their research, most of which was outside the United States, most people had 10 previous viral infections, with those having HIV or living outside the United States averaging more. The most common viruses included the herpes virus and rhinoviruses, which causes the common cold.

    Surprisingly, most people generated the exact same antibodies, disproving earlier theories that each person’s immune system is incredibly unique.

    It remains to be seen if the test can substitute for more specific, disease by disease tests, says microbiologist Vincent Racaniello of Columbia University. “Before we view this as a definitive definition of what people have been infected with, we need to be sure it’s a comprehensive picture,” he says. “Right now, I don’t think it is.”

    Racaniello points deficiencies in finding the antibodies linked to noroviruses and rotaviruses, which cause large numbers of intestinal infections. This could be because such anti-bodies don’t linger in the body for as long or it could just mean the test needs further fine-tuning.

    Yet the work stands out by its breadth and technological innovation. Never before has such a comprehensive set of results been available in one simple test.

    VirScan is not yet a commercial product but Elledge thinks it won’t cost much more than existing tests that only look at one pathogen at a time. “You could give a drop of blood every few years and they can run it to see if you have any new infections,” he says. This could be particularly useful in diagnosing viruses like hepatitis C, which people are often unaware they have.

    Facebook Releases Trojan Horse Of An App To Developing Countries

    Facebook has gifted the world, especially those lacking high bandwidth internet connections, with Facebook Lite, a minimalist version of the privacy invading social networking app.

    Facebook doesn’t think anyone, anywhere, should be able to escape its data slurp and has pared back its app to make sure it gets the data it needs while providing users a service that doesn’t consume all their minimally available bandwidth.

    The company released the app yesterday which is under one megabyte, offers “core experiences like News Feed, status updates, photos, notifications and more” and “uses less data and works well across all network conditions.”

    It will roll out to Asia first, then “parts of Latin America, Africa and Europe.”

    But the company isn’t being altruistic here. The app pairs with Facebooks slimy Internet.org scheme, in which users are offered a Facebook curated, watered down, version of the internet instead of Facebook just providing them with download credits to use on any website they wish.

    The latest app is a data grab, pure and simple. Facebook will tolerate a little less user engagement in order to get “the next billion” hooked. Once it has their data and has them using Facebook, it can then ramp up the ads and data-selling, all the way to the bank.

    The EPA Uses Data From Big Oil To Conclude Fracking Isn’t Dangerous To Ground Water

    In a truly bizarre report, which totally undermines the credibility of the agency, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency claims that fracking, where a toxic chemical slurry is poured deep into the ground, doesn’t contaminate drinking water.

    Yet the study, requested by Congress and taking over five years to prepare, found instances where water sources were affected by hydraulic fracturing (fracking).

    The EPA, somewhat comically, also found risks to drinking water in formations where fracking had been conducted and where water supplies were scarce.

    Yet overall, according to the EPA, there was little impact to water supplies from the thousands of wells around the country.

    Which all doesn’t really add up.

    The EPA said the study will give state regulators, local communities and companies “a critical resource to identify how best to protect public health and their drinking water resources,” said EPA science adviser Thomas Burke.

    That’s likely where the problem lies, as based on the absurd findings, the study’s overall conclusion will pave the way for even more fracking, removing a common objection that it does, as the EPA found in many cases, pollute water supplies.

    Environmental groups immediately cast doubt on the EPA’s contradictory findings.

    “There are still significant gaps in the scientific understanding of fracking,” said Amy Mall, senior policy analyst at the Natural Resources Defense Council. “This study is site-specific and limited, as the EPA has explained, which makes it impossible to fully understand all the risks at this time.”

    Mall pointed out that unlike past studies, the EPA this time acknowledged there are some effects on water.

    Mark Brownstein, vice president of the Environmental Defense Fund, said that

    “Ongoing physical integrity of the wells and handling the millions of gallons of wastewater coming back to the surface after fracking, over the lifetime of each well, are even bigger challenges,” he said. “Relentless focus on these issues by regulators and industry is critical.”

    The EPA’s Burke admitted to reporters that oil and gas companies were ther major source of information on locations and practices, and that the agency had a “very cooperative relationship with industry.”

    Perhaps a little too cooperatve, given that pumping toxic chemicals into groundwater supplies causes them to be filled with toxic chemicals. Fracking has also been shown to cause earthquakes.

    Energy groups, predictably, embraced the EPA’s findings.

    The draft study will undergo external review by the public and the agency’s Science Advisory Board, which is due to conclude next year.

    Here’s hoping they can wring out all that oil money staining the pages and publish actual results and not a free pass to the oil companies.

    ‘Viagra For Women’ Is Finally Approved By The FDA

    It was a long time coming but third time’s the charm for flibanserin, a revolutionary new drug to combat female sexual dysfunction. The drug is the first medical treatment for the condition to gain approval by the Food and Drug Administration.

    The advisory panel of medical experts looking into research about the drug voted 16 to 8 to recommended approval of the pill, although they added several safety restrictions. The restriction address concerns around low blood pressure, fatigue, and fainting.

    Flibanserin is a pink pill taken every day at bedtime. It was specifically approved to treat lack of sexual desire in premenopausal women that cannot be linked to disease or other known causes. Approximately 7 percent of premenopausal women have this condition, known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder.

    The drug’s multi-rejection approval process makes it one of the most controversial drugs in some time to clear FDA approval Women’s rights groups were particularly vocal about getting the drug approved, which may have influenced the FDA’s decision.