Rent In San Francisco Is So High That Some People Are Commuting From Las Vegas


Rent in San Francisco is so high that some people would rather live elsewhere and take planes to the Bay Area several times a week than to pay the outrageous city rents. Some people have been known to live in Las Vegas and take round-trip flights to San Francisco up to four times a week.

According to some people, their calculated average total monthly cost of a two-bedroom apartment in Las Vegas, four round-trip flights from Las Vegas to San Francisco per week and public transportation in San Francisco is often less than that of monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco.

The savings become even greater when one compares the cost of living in San Francisco to that of Las Vegas.

However, there are some downsides to this commute. Flying from Las Vegas to San Francisco takes about 90 minutes. Add in just 30 minutes of ground transportation, and commuters are looking at spending about four hours per day traveling. Plus, airline delays can prove to be disastrous for commuters.

Additionally, scientific research shows that commuting long distances on a daily basis is terrible for maintaining good health. The daily stress of driving, flying and relying on public transportation quickly adds up for any commuter.

Furthermore, if something goes wrong with the job in San Francisco, the opportunities for networking in Las Vegas are not as good as they are in the Bay Area.

People who take on this arduous task of commuting are required to own a vehicle in Las Vegas, whereas they might be able to rely solely on public transportation in San Francisco. This can quickly eat into any savings.

As a result of these downsides, very few people take on such a commute. Recent data from the United States census shows that less than 1% of Americans commute more than 90 minutes and live more than 50 miles from work.

However, long commutes might be on the rise. In Dallas and Houston, it is estimated that up to 13% of workers have to deal with such a commute.

Meanwhile, people in Europe have also been known to take on heavy duty commutes, as some people have reportedly commuted daily from Barcelona, Spain to London, England in order to avoid paying high rents in London.

Regardless, it’s safe to assume that very few people would want such a commute, even if it means saving some money.

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