Report Shows Over 1000 Children Killed By Indiscriminate Israeli Bombing In Gaza


New statistics from Defense for Children International highlight the deep level of depravity in the Gaza strip. A report released June 4th shows that the Israeli army killed more than 980 Palestinian children under age 18 and injured hundreds more during its three year assault on Palestinian land.

During its indiscriminate military attacks on Gaza, which we’ve profiled here, Israel repeatedly violated international standards that protect children’s rights.

The organization found that 2014 was the deadliest for Gaza children, as more than 530 of them were killed by Israeli attacks.

The number of civilian deaths has been increasingly under scrutiny by the international community, with the United Nations deeming Israel’s actions to be a genocide. Genocide is defined as direct or indirect activities that result in a group’s survival being threatened.

Just last summer, 500 Palestinian children were killed and 3,300 wounded during Israeli’s Operation Protective Edge.

In addition to the deaths, “around 500-700 Palestinian children are arrested, detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system each year. The majority of Palestinian child detainees are charged with throwing stones, and three out of four experience physical violence during arrest, transfer or interrogation,” the group said.

The statistics show just how little regard Israel has for the human life of its neighbor. Its hard-line president, Benjamin Netanyahu, has openly advocated for the elimination of the Palestinian people, in remarks loudly condemned by world leaders.

Yet despite the ongoing genocide the world remains on the sidelines. Israel is the only dependable western military ally in the region and is also the largest arms customer of the United States. It also operates a powerful lobby operation, ensuring that the serial human rights abuser remains political connected to western countries despite committing atrocities.

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