State Department Hires 50 Dedicated Staffers To Investigate Clinton Emails


U.S. state department has announced it will move 50 workers into temporary jobs to boost investigations into Hillary Clinton’s emails. The state department’s addition of more staff to examine Clinton’s emails follows the first ever public apology from the Democratic candidate over her misfeasance as the Secretary of State.

In short, things appear to be heating up for Hillary.

It was revealed on Wednesday that the State Department would be recruiting more staff to handle the huge number of Clinton’s emails. The notice entitled “Enhancing Transparency: Immediate Detail Opportunities At State” called upon staffers to apply for reassignment for 9 to 12 months. The applications are to be made by Thursday and selection commences on Sept. 18.

The move signals the administrative burden caused by having to analyze each email personally on its own merit and determine whether it is indeed deserving of confidentiality.

The analysis of the emails follows a ruling by a court that the emails be released on the basis of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The extra staff would be joining a 20 member permanent staff and a 30 member temporary staff at the state department. They will work on the court ordered release of the emails monthly to separate the emails that would be released and those that would be too sensitive security wise to have released. They would also be in charge of any FOIA requests regarding Clinton’s emails.

Clinton’s email scandal has refused to die a natural death and only grows larger and seemingly more fatal for her campaign with her every denial of its illegality. Finally, in a taped broadcast to the American people on NBC News on Tuesday, Clinton offered an apology for her using of a private server to send confidential state security emails during her time as Secretary of State.

Clinton said, “That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that.” Clinton also admitted to erring in not making an apology earlier on in March, when the scandal broke.

Clinton’s email problems have plagued her candidacy and played against her in the hearts of her so called everyday Americans. A recent poll by Quinnipiac University shows 60 per cent of Americans viewed Clinton as not honest against a mere 34 per cent that did.

The increased exposure being given to Clinton’s emails is hurting the Democratic front runner badly. Though an apology would quell the storm, it may be a little too late with the federal courts ordering the release of her emails to the public. As federal investigations continue. her case will simultaneously be judged in the court of public opinion. American voters are patiently waiting for the contents of the former secretary of state’s emails from where they will adjudge her guilty or innocent.

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