Monday, September 16

Tag: Natural Resources

Food Waste Contributes An Alarmingly High Amount To Greenhouse Gases

Food Waste Contributes An Alarmingly High Amount To Greenhouse Gases

Wasting food is a tremendous problem in the United States. In 2010, nearly 133 billion pounds of food ended up in American landfills. This represents more than $160 billion of food. Policy analyst Kai Olson-Sawyer said, “There’s no benefit to wasting food. The fact is that food waste is truly a waste to all humanity of every kind.” Making matters worse is that it’s not just food that is wasted, but resources as well. Everything that went into making that piece of rotten fruit or those old leftovers is also wasted. Much of these resources are water, so whenever food is wasted, water is wasted as well. Additionally, some foods require more resources than others. Meat is generally the worst kind of food that can be wasted. Animals rely on food and water to grow. When meat is thrown out, al...
Ocean Mining Set To Cause New Era Of Ecological Disasters

Ocean Mining Set To Cause New Era Of Ecological Disasters

Technological advances in robotics coupled with dwindling land-based mineral deposits is leading to what conservationists call a “marine industrial revolution.” Deep seabed mining activity has increased sharply over the past five years as there is a rising demand for cobalt, copper and gold, elements required in manufacturing smartphones. This demand has led the International Seabed Authority (“ISA”), the United Nations agency established to organize, regulate and control all mineral-related activities in the international seabed area beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, has issued 27 exploration contracts to date. The majority of these 15-year contracts were issued since 2011 and allow for mineral surveying on greater than 390,000 square miles of seabed in the Indian, Atlantic and ...