This Yale Fraternity Denied Girls Entry Into Their Party Because They Weren’t White


A fraternity at Ivy League college Yale University is under fire after they allegedly threw a party that was for “White Girls Only.” The party was reportedly thrown by the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity last Friday night.

The controversy started after someone made a Facebook post regarding a group of girls that weren’t allowed entry because they weren’t white. The person who made the post was said to not have attended the party.

Yale senior Corey Malone-Smolla said, “It doesn’t matter what the party looked like on the inside. What matters is what people said to people who were trying to enter the party.”

Malone-Smolla was not at the party. She says that the fraternity in question is known for being highly obnoxious.

“I’m just tired of it, totally sick of what they stand for and the way they treat people. They’re wealthy, white, rich people who just treat people like crap,” she said.

Some people have said that the party wasn’t originally “whites only”, but some intoxicated partiers made the statement while inebriated.

Yale law student Graham White said, “In hearing what people have been talking about, I don’t suspect that they actually had a whites-only party. But, it’s highly likely that people say dumb things when they’re drunk, which can be offensive.”

Meanwhile, the fraternity’s president Grant Mueller says he is very disappointed about these allegations.

Mueller said, “It’s obviously incredibly upsetting for anybody to hear that story,” Mueller said. “That someone would sit right where I’m standing and say, White Girls Only, that’s awful. Especially to me.”

Mueller went on to say that he knew that he knew non-whites were at the party.

Beyond accusations of racism, the party also attracted the attention of the New Haven Police, as they showed up asking people to stop blocking the sidewalk.

Mueller says that he doesn’t know what he would say to the alleged victims.

“I don’t know. I would love to have a conversation with (them), but I don’t know. It’s obviously a conversation that needs to be had,” he said.
Representatives from Yale University declined to comment on the matter.

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