Virginia Shooting Suspect Shoots Himself After Authorities Confront Him, Dies In Hospital


Updated: Authorities now confirm the Virginia shooter has died in hospital. He was previously in critical condition after shooting himself in a suicide attempt.Vicki Gardner, the third victim in the attack, is now listed in stable condition after undergoing surgery.

Authorities have confirmed that shooter in this morning’s graphic live TV killing of two journalists, Vester L. Flanagan, shot himself in the head after a police chase.

The incident occurred on I-66 in Virginia after authorities surrounded his vehicle. Flanagan was a former employee of TV station WDBJ and knew his victims, Alison Parker and Adam Ward.

The subject of the interview, Vicki Gardner, who is the executive director of the Smith Mountain Lake Regional Chamber of Commerce, was wounded in the back and is remains in surgery.

A massive manhunt was launched for the gunman by The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, along with the FBI and local law enforcement.

The FBI is conducting an investigation of the incident, which occurred at Bridgewater Plaza near Moneta.

Flanagan posted graphic video of the incident to Twitter, under an assumed name.

Police have not yet disclosed a motive for the senseless slaying.

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