10 Places To Visit Before It’s Too Late

places to visit before its too late
Death Valley | By Ernst Prettenthaler


Climate Change is rapidly changing the Earth and these are 10 places to visit before it’s too late! Global warming is the number one reason these places are disappearing and it isn’t just islands and low lying countries.

Our wonderful world is full of many different things to see and do but there are some things you should visit fast before our changing planet makes them disappear forever.

Next time your planning a trip write down these places to visit before its too late!

10 Places To visit before it’s too late

places to visit before its too late
Ocean City | By Jon Bilous

1. Ocean City, MD. USA

The boardwalk of this location is incredibly famous and has been featured in multiple movies. There’s always some delicious saltwater taffy on deck, just watch out for those frat boys.

With rising sea levels its only a matter of time before this awesome experience will be underwater.

places to visit before its too late
Coral Reef | By Grafner

2. Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Barrier reefs are a pretty amazing sight, but when you choose to see the best of the best it’s going to be unbelievable. There are about 34 million hectares to this coral reef, and it can actually be seen from space. However, the best place to look are the tiny crevices that contain stunning fish and other life.

Yet just because it’s big or in the water doesn’t mean the reef will be here forever. Unfortunately, acidification of our oceans are demolishing reefs throughout the world, including this one.

places to visit before its too late
Death Valley | By Ernst Prettenthaler

3. Death Valley, California, USA

You wouldn’t want to spend your whole vacation here but you should definitely check it out for a day or two. Death Valley holds the highest temperatures on the planet!

Additionally, flash floods and sands storms happen annually. It’s a pretty crazy place that is still home to reptiles, plants and other strange forms of life.

But at the rate things are going the species that live in the valley may soon be extinct. Temperatures are rising by a couple of degrees each year, making life difficult for even the toughest creatures.

places to visit before its too late
Salzburg | By Ekinyalgin

4. Salzburg, Austria

Mountains, just like reefs and deserts are at risk from global warming. Specifically threatened by rising temperatures are their icy peaks.

In the Alps the rain/snow line has jumped up 200 feet over the past 50 years. While the mountains still have plenty of snow for a ski holiday they might not be that way forever.

places to visit before its too late
Statue of Liberty | By Delpixart

5. The Statue of Liberty

A historical landmark isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about global warming. However, Lady Liberty could potentially be in danger due to risk of flooding.

The statue is situated directly in the path of super storms. Consequently, every single time New York is hit with a relatively large storm this statue feels the impact.

By 2050 a much larger storm is expected to hit the city and could take Lady Liberty out for good.

places to visit before its too late
Michoacan, Mexico | By Nora Doa

6. Michoacan, Mexico

Michoacan is home to well over a billion butterflies. Yes, we didn’t misuse the word; there are actually billions of butterflies at this location.

So much so that they can bend the branches of trees with their weight. But severe weather while they migrate combined with deforestation has cut down their numbers in recent years.

places to visit before they're gone
Everglades | By Mia2you

7. Everglades, Florida, USA

This National Park is a gift that keeps on giving as its a whopping 734-square miles of land. You can ride an air boat though swampy waters and hope to see some gators, or even giant whale-like manatee.

But encroaching seawater means the glades have shrunk to about half their initial size over the past few years. The decline of surface area is only going to get worse as sea levels rise.

Climate change affected places to visit
Bangkok | By Travel man via shutterstock

8. Bangkok, Thailand

Time magazine recently listed Bangkok as the hottest tourism destination on the planet. Over 16 million visitors each year agree.

Its amazing night life, vibrant food scene and unique culture combine to make it a wonderful experience every time. Droughts, however, are keeping this city under a pretty strong grip.

Floods are now common, threatening to devastate the city in the event of a major storm. Bangkok should definitely be on the list of places to see before it’s too late.

places to visit before its too late
Chicago | By Chait Goli

9. Chicago, Illinois

Chicago is well known for a bunch of things – from sports to deep dish pizzas to snow. You might not think of the city when you think of global warming.

Although, increasingly harsh winters and unpredictably low lake levels make both getting to and living in Chicago increasingly difficult.

places to visit before its gone
The Sheep Heid Inn | Trip Advisor

10. The Sheep Heid Inn, Edinburgh, Scotland

This is the oldest bar that Edinburgh has to offer, and it has been selling liquor out of its current location ever since 1360. That’s right, 1360.

But the distilleries of Scotland have been in a bad way for the past few years due to climate change. Droughts and winter floods are constantly keeping things as tough as possible for distillers.

Increasing costs and driving away tourism makes The Sheep Heid Inn an unlikely victim of global warming.

Start planning your next trip soon!

These are some unexpected locations that are affected by climate change. Unfortunately, it gets worse and worse each year.

When you’re planning a get-away be sure to consider these areas. Some of which are right here in the US! These are definitely places to visit before its too late.

Up Next … Can American’s Travel To Cuba?

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