Ashley Madison User Base Is Higher Now Than Before Data Hack


The infamous data hack that exposed the personal information of Ashley Madison users hasn’t stopped the infidelity website from obtaining 4 million new members since last August. Ashley Madison is best known as a matchmaking website for people who want to date outside of a previously committed relationship or marriage.

At the time of the data hack, Ashley Madison had roughly 39 million users. Now, the member count is in excess of 43 million. This makes it very clear that people seeking to have an affair are not the least bit worried about having their personal information exposed.

Reports have indicated that only one in every three accounts on Ashley Madison is legitimate. A spokesperson representing Avid Life, the parent company of Ashley Madison, declined to comment on the growth of the website.

The hacking incident exposed some interesting factoids about the Ashley Madison website. More than 95% of Ashley Madison users are reportedly male. Many people believed that the hacking scandal would ruin the website, although Avid Life said that the rumors were “greatly exaggerated”.

With the current member count, representatives are claiming that the website is used more than ever. Ashley Madison also claimed in a statement that the ratio of active men to active women is only 1.2 to 1, which is much more balanced than the reports of being 95% male.

But while Ashley Madison might be trying to play it cool, the website is facing several class-action lawsuits from customers who had their personal information exposed in the hack. Some of the lawsuits are reportedly seeking more than $500 million in damages. Some former users even committed suicide after their information was revealed.

Although Ashley Madison is trying to make it seem like everything is okay, the website clearly doesn’t have the best reputation right now. It’s anyone’s guess as to how long this infidelity website will be able to stay afloat.  

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