Biden Receives Obama’s Blessing For Presidential Bid, Leaning Towards Running


Current Vice President and prospective 2016 presidential candidate Joe Biden has allegedly received President Obama’s “blessing” to formally make a 2016 bid.

The news came from a senior democrat who wished to remain anonymous.

While the decision is solely Biden’s, the President’s blessing will help smooth the process from the Vice President, especially by giving him use of the President’s election team.

The two discussed Biden’s potential presidential candidacy among other topics over lunch on Monday at the White House. The senior Democrat said the President was clear he would not stand in his way or advise him not to run, underscoring the thin ice Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is on.

The Vice President will confer Monday night with Bob Bauer and Anita Dunn, the husband-and-wife duo who have handled Obama’s campaigns and administration during the last 10 years. The Vice President’s chief of staff, Steve Ricchetti, was expected to attend as well.

Reports emerged earlier on Monday that Biden is in fact leaning toward running, but has yet to make up his mind completely.

Biden has now met with President Obama, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Obama’s two most trusted advisers in the last 72 hours, highlighting just how seriously he is taking a potential bid.

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