Charlie Hebdo Won’t Let ISIS Attacks Spoil Their Fun


Charlie Hebdo just doesn’t know when to quit. Earlier this year, the French satirical magazine ridiculed the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. Many believe that this act caused significant outrage from the Islamic State, prompting the terrorist group to commit the recent attacks in Paris.

Now, the magazine has responded to the recent attacks. The cover of their upcoming magazine features a cartoon man dancing with a bottle of Champagne while drinking out of a wine glass. The bubbly beverage is seen flowing out of bullet holes in the man’s body.

The associated caption, when translated, reads, “They have arms. Fuck them. We have the Champagne.”

The image has already been posted on social media by Charlie Hebdo columnist Mathieu Madénian. Many people have reposted the image, demonstrating French resilience. The magazine is due to be released on Wednesday.

The recent terrorist attacks in Paris killed 132 people and left hundreds more injured. Suicide bombings and shootings took place at a sports stadium, a concert hall, restaurants and bars. The incidents represent the deadliest attack in France since World War II. ISIS has already claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Earlier this year on January 7th, Charlie Hebdo was attacked by terrorists, when 12 people were killed in a shooting at their offices in Paris. The magazine was particularly targeted for its controversial depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.

That same day, five other people were killed in other attacks that occurred throughout the city. The Al Qaeda terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the attacks. They said that they were avenging the honor of Muhammad.

The two men responsible for the attack against Charlie Hebdo were Said Kouachi and Cherif Kouachi. The two men were well known by French authorities, and it is suspected that they were influenced by a radical Islamic preacher.  

On social media following the attack in January, many French citizens used the phrase “Je suis Charlie”, which is translated to “I am Charlie”. Hundreds of people rallied in the country to show support for the victims, while also defending the practice of free speech.

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