Hillary Clinton Compares Pro Life Presidential Candidates To ‘Terrorist Groups’


Hillary Clinton hasn’t been getting much press lately unless its about her ongoing email scandal. That changed Thursday evening as the Democratic presidential candidate equated Republican presidential candidates who are pro life to “terrorist groups.” Clinton made the comments in a Cleveland speech on Thursday.

Clinton attacked Republicans for being “dead wrong for 21st century America.” Clinton is often quite vocal about women’s rights but Thursday’s comments maked a departure from her usual talking points.

“Now, extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups, we expect that from people who don’t want to live in the modern world, but it’s a little hard to take from Republicans who want to be the president of the United States,” said Clinton. “Yet they espouse out of date, out of touch policies. They are dead wrong for 21st century America. We are going forward, we are not going back.”

“I would like these Republican candidates to look the mom in the eye who caught her breast cancer early because she was able to get a screening for cancer or the teenager who didn’t get pregnant because she has access to contraception. Or anyone who has ever been protected by an HIV test.”

Clinton drew a large audience of around 2,000 supporters for the speech at Case Western Reserve University

Jeb Bush tweeted that the analogy showed Clinton’s “priorities are totally wrong.”

Republicans quickly called on her to take back the remarks.

Allison Moore, press secretary for the Republican National Committee said that “For Hillary Clinton to equate her political opponents to terrorists is a new low for her flailing campaign. She should apologize immediately for her inflammatory rhetoric.”

Despite Clinton’s inability to garner Trump-like acclaim and avoid remarks which seem to divide, national polls still show she is the leading candidate across both parties. She leads the Democratic field with 45% support and tops all GOP candidates in a head to head match up.

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