Louisiana Governor Enters Crowded GOP White House Race


As expected Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has officially entered the jam packed Republican bid for U.S. President on Wednesday, making him the 13th Republican candidate to join the field.

If he makes it past the primaries and then wins the White House, he will become the country’s first Asian President. He is the son of Indian immigrants.

Educated at England’s prestigious Oxford University, the 44 year old Jindal says he is “the youngest candidate with the longest resume”.

He is known for his policy credentials and for overhauling Louisiana’s education and health systems.

Over the last few months Mr. Jindal has tried to appeal to the conservative vote, taking a tough line on gay rights and Islamic extremism.

He has not shied away from controversial comments he made at the beginning of the year when he said that parts of Europe were non-Muslim “no-go zones” .

Jindal said he intends to appeal to Christian conservatives, the same voting group being pursued by rival candidates like Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee the former Governor of Arkansas.

Experts say that Jindal, who is not well liked in his home state because of a budget shortfall, will have a tough time winning the Republican nomination. He is running far behind other candidates in recent polls.

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