Study Finds That More Sex Doesn’t Necessarily Lead To A Happier Relationship


While research has shown that sex makes people happy, there’s a limit to how much pleasure can be obtained through making love. A recent study from the University of Toronto, Mississauga shows that having sex more often is associated with greater well-being, but this levels off when intercourse occurs more than once a week.

The research suggests that although it is beneficial to maintain a sexual connection with a romantic partner, it is also important to maintain realistic expectations for a sex life. While engaging in sexual intercourse more than once a week does not lead to reduced happiness, people who have sex more frequently are not any happier than people who stick to a schedule of just once per week.

However, not all scientists are buying these claims. Sex therapist and marriage counselor Dr. David McKenzie is one sex expert who doesn’t believe that this is true. Dr. McKenzie says that he believes that most happy couples usually have sex at least twice a week on average. He says that the findings from the study are not supported by his 15 years of clinical experience, during which he has worked with nearly 2,000 couples.  

Additionally, the amount of sex that people crave depends upon the type of relationship that they are in. Sexual needs and desires often change based on one’s gender, sexual orientation, health issues and physical well-being. The length of the relationship is also said to be important.

Dr. McKenzie said, “In the first six months, couples are having sex like rabbits, but that dies off. You’d be exhausted.

Scientists say that more research is needed in this line of study. Ideally, they would conduct an observational study, but this is often difficult to achieve in the field of sex research. Still, the findings show that more sex isn’t always better. Instead of focusing on achieving a specific number, couples should instead focus on making sure they properly connect with their partner.

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