10 Movies That Didn’t Age Well

movies that didn't last

The times have changed and well, there are a lot of movies that didn’t age well. These are 10 of them, some may surprise you!

Some of our absolute favorite films we watched growing up, unfortunately didn’t grow with us. As world has evolved and what was once okay is no longer tolerated.

10 Movies that didn’t age well

films that didn't age well

1. Sixteen Candles (1984)

This Iconic film for some, leaves a sour taste for younger generations. It has had a huge footprint in pop culture, however there are a lot of disturbing moments that no longer go over looked.

From the offensive portrayal of Chinese foreign exchange student to the rapey scene with Farmer Ted. Even Molly Ringwald herself, acknowledged the rape culture portrayed in the film.


movies that didn't age well

2. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

In the mid-80s, Hollywood’s idea of colonial-era India was riddled with racist stereotypes. For instance, the scenes with the villagers eating monkey brains and fried bugs.

Not only was it insensitive in the U.S. It was banned in India at the time of its release.


old bad movies

3. Gone With the Wind (1939)

Over many, many years, this film has had many elements pointed out. Many have called out the movie for its portrayals of slavery and the romanticization of Confederacy.

Even streaming services like Netflix, has labelled it racist. Additionally, HBO Max labels it as “denying the horrors of slavery”.


very bad old movies

4. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)

This movie that was once a family-friendly comedy, is and has been extremely transphobic and misogynistic. Additionally, the treatment of the animals has come into question as well.

It’s deeply disturbing and blatant transphobia has made this movie, extremely uncomfortable and cringe-worthy. When Ventura finds out Police Lieutenant, Lois Einhorn is a transgender woman, he is horrified and is shown aggressively cleaning himself in disgust.

Not only was Ace Ventura’s reaction terrible, when Einhorn reveals herself to a large crowd, everyone else is disgusted as well. These scenes send a brutal message and it is truly shocking that this was a children’s movie.


movies that aren't good anymore

5. I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007)

Adam Sandler pumps out movies, so of course some of them won’t stand the test of time. I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry is definitely one of themFull of gay stereotypes, slurs and just all in all making a mockery of the gay experience.

Not only was it homophobic, it featured racist stereotypes. Rob Schneider, who has been in almost all of Sandler’s movies, does yellowface as an asian priest. Just not a good look overall.


racist classic films

6. Breakfast At Tiffany’s (1961)

This beloved romantic comedy is another one of the movies that didn’t age well. The depiction of an asian character was not only done in yellowface but it was also full of stereotypes.

Mickey Rooney, who played Mr. Yunioshi tapes his eyelids and exaggerates an accent. In 2008, Rooney said “it breaks my heart that people find issue with the movie.”


movie's that didn't age well

7. She’s All That (1999)

As many of those 90s high school romantic comedies went, the nerdy girl gets a makeover and surprises the world with her hidden beauty. This 90s movie does just that but uses a guy who makes a bet that he can make this unattractive girl a gorgeous prom queen.

Over time, many, many audiences have pointed out the degrading beauty standards and the perception of how a woman should behave. Oh, and the attempted sexual assault at the after-prom party that was played off as a joke. Overall, this movie didn’t age well.


creepy old movies

8. Grease (1978)

This once classic movie is now actually being banned from a lot of streaming services. With its blatant sexist, homophobic and slut-shaming content, what once a family favorite is now an uncomfortable watch.

It is riddled with bad messages which range from rapey, racist, misogynistic and homophobic. From the first song when, Summer Nights lyric “did she put up a fight” to the very end when Sandy changed her whole appearance to please a boy. The movie just missed the mark for the younger generations.


creepy old movies

9. Animal House (1979)

The plot of this movie is essentially based around a group of fraternity brothers trying to have sex with underage girls. With recent scandals involving sexual assault, underage drinking and violence in University campuses, this movie went from classic to questionable.

Audiences just don’t find drunk, rude frat boys charming or funny anymore. It has been described in a Vice analysis of the film “a clunky piece of boomer-made nostalgia.”


movies that didn't age well

10. Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

The Hollywood portrayal of nerds realistically was a stereotype that left the characters as a joke. Moreover, many feel this movie perpetuates rape culture, racism and homophobia. This is definitely one of those movies that didn’t age well.

When one of the nerds tick a girl into have sex by stealing her boyfriends costume led people to point of that it is rape by deception. In addition to that creepy scene, the nerds also sell naked photos of the girl.

Like many other movies from the past, Asian stereotypes were considered amusing. Now-a-days those jokes just don’t fly. Additionally, the overly flamboyant gay stereotypes were another instance of poor taste in this movie.

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