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The Promise Of Easy Money Could Be An Easy Scam

If you’ve ever been interested in making money on the internet, you’ve probably searched one of the following phrases: “Make Money” – “Work From Home” – “Get Rich Online”. And, you’ve probably encountered some interesting results.

My personal favorites are the websites that have a collage of a husband and wife living their lives blissfully. One picture shows them holding each other lovingly. Another picture shows them playing tennis on their own private court. The next photo shows them standing in front of their private mansion inside of a gated community as they point to the home as if to say to you ”Look at how big this thing is! With a house this size we must be telling the truth!” I especially like the pictures that show the lucky couple on their yacht, sailing in the Pacific, holding up a fish they caught that’s not even half as large as the lie they’re telling you about how they can teach you to make millions on the internet if you just fill out the email form on their website so they can begin sending you informative tidbits about making money that will ”change your life.”

So with fervent anticipation, you fill out the email form on their website, and an autoresponder begins sending you a series of emails, usually spread 24 hours apart, about how this ”revolutionary new system” has changed their lives and the lives of others they’ve recruited into their business. As you’re reading the email, you start to ask yourself, ”Hmmm….I wonder what the heck this business actually is. The website doesn’t say what the business is, and the email doesn’t say what the business is….I wonder how these wonderful people are lining their pockets with so much cash?”

By the time they’ve sent you the fifth email, you’re so excited that you simply can’t hold out any longer, so you order their program, and then a few days later you receive a package in the mail. What do you find inside? You find books and/or CD’s telling you how you can get rich online if you set up the same kind of website they did that tells people that they can get rich online if they purchase the same scam you just did. I love it when this happens.

Don’t get me wrong, some of these websites do actually have a legitimate service for which they want to train you so that you can resell it, such as being a vitamin distributor, or teaching people about internet marketing, or, my personal favorite, hosting and inviting people to Christian mentor conferences (I love that one). Yes, there are a slew of defrauders in cyberspace who actually try to convince people how they can ”Get rich with Christian mentor conferences.” Jeez, if only I had thought of that. Here I am working 10 hours a day with a legitimate company, all the while I could’ve been cashing in on those hot Christian mentor conferences.

But, most of the time, there is no legitimate product or service whatsoever, and when there is, they’re usually like the stuff I’ve already mentioned – items or services that no one needs or wants, things that aren’t practical and don’t make any sense. So, these charlatans have a very simple approach – they set up a convincing sales pitch, they keep pushing it by bombarding you with emails until your mouth is watering, then you place your order and they send you a business venture that is unremarkable or a waste of your time.

Here’s How To Avoid Long Lines At Customs

Many of us have experienced long lines at the United States immigration and customs station when re-entering the country after an international flight. Going through the hassle and waiting in the lines seems inevitable, especially with the world in the state that it is in. But, in the age of smartphones, there is actually a way to bypass those long lines in some U.S. airports – by using an app.

While it is not a secret, not many flyers know they can take advantage of this downloadable, free app that is available to both Android and iPhone users through their respective app stores. The app, called the Mobile Passport, enables users to enter their travel and passport information and electronically submit it, thereby generating a receipt to show agents at the immigration and customs checkpoints.  And, there really is no hidden catch.

In 2014, the free Mobile Passport app was launched by the Airside Mobile and Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) jointly with Customs and Border Protection (CBP).  

Currently, use of Mobile Passport is limited to United States citizens with a U.S. passport and Canadian citizens holding a Canadian passport. The five airports that are part of program as of now are as follows: Atlanta (ATL), Miami (MIA), Seattle (SEA), Chicago (ORD), and San Francisco (SFO). The project’s plan is to have at least 20 airports recognizing and accepting the app in the very near future.

Once you have downloaded the app to your phone, the process is as follows: land in the U.S. at one of the participating airports; exit the “airplane mode” on your phone; open the app; follow the listed instructions; and obtain your immigrations and customs clearance. As part of the process, you must enter your full name, date of birth, gender and country of citizenship.

You must also select your arrival airport and airline; take a selfie (no joke); answer some customs-related declaration questions; and submit the form via the app. You will then receive an “electronic receipt with an Encrypted Quick Response (QR) code,” which automatically expires four hours after it is issued. You then bring both your smartphone and passport to a customs agent and receive a warm welcome back to the States.

Who knew?!

Ever Wonder What That Tiny Hole Is In Your Airplane Window?

When sitting through a long flight, it is natural tendency to get bored and check out all possible surroundings ad nauseum. We stare at the back of the seat in front of us, the people all around us and even read the little magazine situated next to the safety instructions. It is simply amazing what Skymall thinks we will purchase from that catalog.

Another thing flyers do is look out and at the window, even though for most of the flight there is nothing to see but darkness or the clouds. And, while looking out the window, we notice that there is that tiny little hole at the bottom of the window. We often look at it without a second thought, but it is intriguing. Why is that tiny hole there? What is its purpose?

Well, that tiny hole actually serves a very important purpose. It is a safety feature that is found on every single window of the airplane. It is called a breather hole and serves to regulate the pressure amount that flows between the window’s outer and inner panes. Basically, the design of the window, including that little hole, ensures that the outer pane bears the brunt of the majority of air pressure – so if ever there was added strain on the window, the outer panel panel gives way. And in turn, we can still breathe. A very important necessity.

Another feature of the tiny hole: it keeps the window free of fog and condensation by sucking out moisture that gets stuck between the inner and outer window panes. So, mystery solved!

Bon Voyage and happy flying!

Why Millennials Choose To Travel The World Now Rather Than Later

It is no secret that we are living in tough economic times. The stock market is extremely volatile; there is quite a bit of uncertainty regarding the future of Social Security benefits; and it is more difficult than ever for young adults to obtain quality, decent-paying jobs. Additionally, many young people graduate from college with obscene amounts of student debt.

So, what are many young people doing about their situation? They are choosing to travel!   

Research indicates that the segment of the population referred to as millennials (those aged 16 to 34) are far more interested in traveling as much as possible than older generations. In fact, the United Nations estimates that millennials make up about 20% of international tourists. This represents 200 million people and more than $180 billion in tourism revenue each year. And rather than seek out week-long “fun in the sun” vacations, many young people are embarking on long-term experiences including months-long backpacking adventures.

These interesting facts illustrate just how differently young adults view their situations than older generations. For older Americans, it was very common to follow the traditional path to old age: start working at a company at a very young age; marry relatively young; start a family; remain working at that company for decades; retire; and then spend the golden years relaxing and doing some traveling.

Young adults follow a much different path, and the most notable difference is the lack of any clear, linear direction. Work-life balance is much more important to young adults than it was 50 years ago. Today’s young adults typically will not put up with an 60-hour work week, less than ideal working conditions and overdue work stress. Rather, they change employers frequently and spend more time with their families.

And, rather than wait until their golden years to travel, young adults view the future with such uncertainty that they choose to travel now while they still can.

After all, in this day and age, who knows what the future will hold?

Monterey Spaghetti


  • 4 ounces spaghetti, broken into pieces
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/8 teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 3 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese
  • 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained
  • 1/2 (6 ounce) can French fried onions


In a large pot with boiling salted water cook spaghetti until al dente. Drain.

In a large bowl mix together the sour cream, grated Parmesan cheese, and minced garlic. After beating the egg in a small bowl, transfer to the large bowl and blend together. Transfer to a greased slow cooker.

Mix cooked and drained spaghetti, 2 cups grated Monterey Jack cheese, thawed spinach, and half of the French fried onions to the slow cooker. Stir contents of slow cooker until just blended.

Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours or high heat for 3 to 4 hours.

In last 30 minutes of cooking, turn to high if cooking on low and add remainder of grated Monterey Jack cheese and French fried onions to top of casserole. Serve when cheese is melted.

A Brief History Of Luggage And Man’s Obsession With Travel

Since time immemorial, man has been moving from place to place for different reasons. During all this time, he has had to carry some of his belongings along with him using some kind of luggage. The primary purpose of the luggage was to keep man’s items safe, organized and together. Just like all manmade things, luggage has evolved significantly.

When circumnavigating the world, Christopher Columbus likely had luggage for carrying his clothing and basic navigation tools. The trunks back then were made from fine woods such as cedar, pine or oak. Some were made from a combination of materials, such as cloth and leather. The trunks were magnificently decorated, using nails and brass plates. They have since undergone continuous transformation to be what they are today – family heirlooms.

Just as was from the very beginning, luggage is made from a variety of materials. The hides of cows, the deer, and even the horses were popularly used in the making of the luggage. To this day, leather is still a popular material in the manufacture of luggage. All luggage made from pure leather last long.

Since the trunks were often huge and cumbersome, smaller and more convenient bags were made. Currently, we have tote bags, backpacks and suitcases. Today, there are wheeled luggage, expandable luggage, soft luggage that is capable of being packed in tight spaces, and tough luggage that are meant to protect your belongings and remain usable for a long time.

Currently, there are luggage with wheels, coming with telescoping handles and pull straps made of leather. They are designed to accommodate water bottles, CD players, and such essential things as lunchboxes. They can as well accommodate laptops, and are even more durable than before.

Rare Planetary Alignment To Occur This Month

Starting this week, the planets of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will all be visible in the sky, offering an extremely rare sight for stargazers. The last time that this occurred was more than a decade ago in 2005. While Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have all been visible since the start of 2016, it is the appearance of Mercury that will make the scene complete. The actual date for best viewing the alignment of the five planets will vary depending upon one’s location.

Because Mercury typically remains close to the horizon, it will be the most difficult of the five planets to see. However, the planet will gradually cross higher in the skyline. By early February, Mercury should be easier to locate. The skyline will feature Venus and Saturn in particularly close proximity on February 9th.

Meanwhile, starting on January 28th, the view of Earth’s waning moon will traverse across the line of planets. The moon will start out by Jupiter, and by February 7th, its image will have made its way to Mercury.

This kind of alignment in the Earth skyline is quite rare because of the fact that each planet orbits the sun at different distances, and each planet takes a different amount of time to finish its respective year. However, the fact that they occasionally do line up is visual proof that all of the planets do orbit on approximately the same plane.

While the planet alignment can be seen without a proper telescope, some people may have to relocate to areas without obstructions. For example, trees, buildings and city lights can all block the rare image of the planet alignment. Additionally, anyone who wants to see the view will have to do so particularly early in the morning. And of course, using a telescope can produce a better image than the naked eye. Clear skies will also help matters.

The five planets are also set to gather together sometime in August as well. However, the alignment in August will only be visible from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere. Thus, it will be quite some time until Americans get to see these five planets align in the sky again.

US Military Planning To Connect Humans To Computers To Create Cyborgs

American soldiers might soon become cyborgs, as the United States government is looking into amazing new technology that would allow soldiers to connect directly to computers. The project is known as Neural Engineering System Design (NESD), and it is being conducted by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the United States military. The project is seeking to create an implantable neural interface that would basically make American soldiers part human and part robotic computer.

While such human-computer interfaces are not a totally new research topic, most projects have been restricted by sluggish and limited control. Past efforts have usually involved providing movement to humans from robotic prosthetics or enabling humans to input some form of communication into a computer by concentrating on specific thoughts or feelings. However, this new project is expected to go above and beyond prior experiments.

NESD manager for DARPA Phillip Alvelda stated, “Today’s best brain-computer interface systems are like two supercomputers trying to talk to each other using an old 300-baud modem. Imagine what will become possible when we upgrade our tools to really open the channel between the human brain and modern electronics.”

At the present time, human-computer interfaces link a large number of neurons at a single time. Usually, somewhere between 100 and 1,000 neurons are connected to a machine. DARPA is seeking to improve this technology by connecting individual neurons. This would offer the human controller much more precise interaction, reduce interference and possibly speed up the communication between the human and the computer.

However, this will be easier said than done. In order to achieve this goal, improvements in neuroscience, synthetic biology, low-power electronics, photonics, medical device manufacturing and packaging must be made. Additionally, there would be a large amount of clinical testing that would need to be conducted.

The ultimate goal for the project is to create something that can be used by the United States military. However, there could be advanced civil applications as well, such as replacing lost limbs, restoring sight and other lost senses and controlling the spread of disease.

The NESD project is a part of a greater initiative launched by the Obama administration to learn more about disorders of the human brain and the effects of brain damage. In 2013, the Obama administration pledged $100 million to conduct research involving the brain.

Tainted Medical Scopes Have Sickened Hundreds

According to a recently published report from a Senate health committee, the number of patients harmed by contaminated medical scopes in recent years is much higher than previous estimates had shown. From 2012 to 2015, specialized devices called duodenoscopes have been linked to more than two dozen outbreaks of dangerous bacterial infections that sickened over 250 patients across the United States and Europe.

According to the probe, the manufactures of these devices largely failed to inform health officials about the potential dangers associated with their usage. Additionally, hospitals never alerted regulators about the outbreaks, while the Food and Drug Administration was slow to identify the problem and inform the public.

Senator Patty Murray of Washington said, “Patients should be able to trust that the devices they need for treatment are safe and effective. Unfortunately, this investigation makes clear that current policies for monitoring medical device safety put patients at risk, and in this case, allowed tragedies to occur that could have, and should have, been prevented.”

In the United States, duodenoscopes are used in hundreds of thousands of procedures every year. The devices are typically used to drain blocked fluids from patients. They are inserted through the mouth and they travel down the throat and stomach to the top of the small intestine. The devices include a movable “elevator” mechanism that allows the medical instrument to maneuver into small ducts and fix fluid-drainage issues.

However, this intricate design makes the device difficult to sterilize between uses. While doctors consider them to be an important medical device, they have also been associated with the increase of antibiotic-resistant “superbug” bacteria that is extremely difficult to treat.

Last year, the FDA issued a warning to doctors and hospitals stating that duodenoscopes are difficult to sanitize and that they might encourage the spread of deadly bacteria. The agency also sent warnings to the primary manufacturers of the medical devices.

The Senate report has blamed the device manufacturers, hospitals and the FDA for being responsible for the widespread superbug bacterial infections. According to the report, the FDA should have issued its warnings more quickly. So far, no major actions have been taken to replace or improve the duodenoscopes that are currently used in most hospitals.

Offering This In School Cafeterias Could Help With Obesity

A recent study has shown that schools might be able to help reduce obesity in young people by offering chilled water in their cafeterias. The study was led by NYU School of Medicine researcher Brian Elbel.

In his study, Elbel and his team tracked more than one million students in more than 1,200 schools for a period of five years. The study sought to determine the effects of installing inexpensive water dispensers that would provide cold and filtered water to students.

The study ultimately found that offering such water dispensers, which are known as “water jets” helped to curb obesity rates. The water jets function by chilling and injecting oxygen into ordinary tap water in order to provide students with a more refreshing beverage than a standard drinking fountain. By offering students this option, they are more likely to choose water over alternative beverages that might cause them to gain weight.

The water jets cost about $1,000 per unit. After a school installed a water jet unit, it was shown that students made fewer purchases of chocolate milk and other sugary drinks. A personal serving of chocolate milk contains about 160 calories, while a single cup of other sugary drinks contains roughly 200 calories.

In New York City, almost 40% of students are considered to be overweight or obese. The city’s public schools are not permitted to sell any sugar-sweetened beverages, except for low-fat chocolate milk. However, students can still consume other sugary beverages that they bring from home.

The researcher team wrote in their study, “Results from this study show an association between a relatively low-cost water availability intervention and decreased student weight. Milk purchases were explored as a potential mechanism.”

Overall, Elbel and his team found that schools with water jets in their cafeterias tended to have lower rates of overweight and obese students than schools that do not feature the water jets. Also, schools that installed the water jets during the study saw their rates of obesity drop during that time. In the end, schools with water jets had male students that weighed 0.9% less and female students that were 0.6% less to be overweight or obese.

Elbel said, “This study demonstrates that doing something as simple as providing free and readily available water to students may have positive impacts on their overall health, particularly weight management. Our findings suggest that this relatively low-cost intervention is, in fact, working.”

Based on the results of the study, it would be expected that more public schools will work towards obtaining water jets for their cafeterias in the near future.

Signs Of Food Allergies Might Show Up In Newborn’s Blood

A new study suggests that signature features of an overly active immune system can be detected in the blood of newborn infants. By detecting these features, doctors would be able to determine serious allergic reactions before young children ever come into contact with trigger foods that could result in a life-threatening allergic episode.

A research team led by immunologist Yuxia Zhang of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Australia studied more than 1,000 newborn babies. They used blood from their umbilical cords in order to profile the immune cells and molecules floating within them. One year later, the children were tested for various food allergies. The team published their findings in the academic journal Science Translational Medicine.

By comparing the results, the team was ultimately able to pinpoint a certain type of immune cell known as a monocyte. This particular immune cell was found to be in higher numbers in the cord blood of children who later developed food allergies.

Monocytes convert themselves into pathogen-fighting cells when they come into contact with an invader. It was found in lab tests that the monocytes of children who developed food allergies were more eager to attack invaders than monocytes from children without allergies. This includes “invaders” that in most cases would be completely harmless.

Scientist Hesman Saey wrote, “Normally, a strong response is good; it means the immune cells are ready to fight bacteria and viruses. But in food-allergic kids, the researchers suspect that such overactive monocytes could keep the immune system in a state of high alert, signaling another kind of immune cell, called a T-cell, to transform and stoke the immune system to react. As a result, these eager-to-fight monocytes provoke a cascade of different molecules and cells to react to normally harmless things like a peanut protein.”

While the study is promising, immune systems are said to be extremely complex, and many different factors are said to be a part of the overall picture. So although this recent study explains some of the development of allergies, it most likely does not paint the entire picture. Other factors involved in the phenomenon of food allergies most likely include genetics, the mother’s diet during pregnancy and the child’s exposure to food.

IPhone Admits To Misleading IPhone 6 6S Plus Misleading Battery Meters

It turns out that the battery meter from your iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S+ smartphone might not be very honest. Apple has come forward and admitted that there is a bug with the battery meter of its latest model of smartphone, in that the 6S versions of the iPhone display a higher battery charge than the phone actually has.

As a result of the error, the battery meter fails to update the phone’s displayed percentage of charge remaining. Some phones have even been known to shut down due to a lack of power, even though a full 100% charge is displayed on the screen.

Apple says that the bug occurs when users manually adjust the time on the smartphones or cause automatic adjustments to the time by moving between time zones. As a result, most people have experienced the problem around time adjustments around daylight savings time or while traveling.

While Apple is currently working on a more substantial patch to fix the problem, users can fix the issue by restarting their iPhones and then enabling the automatic time setting within the phone’s “Date & Time” settings.

This is not the first time that Apple has had problems associated with the time and date settings of its iPhone. The smartphones have been known to contain a bug associated with their automatic daylight savings adjustment that would result in alarms not functioning. This caused many users to be late for work and other appointments. Additionally, in 2013, the daylight savings adjustment created an error in which anyone could crash an iPhone with the use of a text message.

It is expected that the upcoming update to Apple’s iOS operating system should fix the issue. The new version, iOS 9.3, is currently in public beta testing, and it should be fully available very soon. Version 9.3 will fix various bugs and add a new feature that filters out blue light when in night mode. Users will also be able to pair multiple Apple Watches with a single iPhone.

This North Dakota Crude Oil Is Worth Almost Nothing

It’s no secret that oil prices are at some of the lowest values we’ve seen in years. But for one oil buyer from North Dakota, the commodity is so worthless, that it is requiring sellers to pay them to take a certain type of low-quality crude oil off their hands. America has finally reached the point of negatively priced oil.

Flint Hills Resources LLC has listed its price for North Dakota Sour at -$0.50. The company actually expects to receive $0.50 when they “purchase” a barrel of the high-sulfur crude oil. Flint Hills Resources serves as the refining branch of billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.

Just one year ago, a barrel of North Dakota sour cost $13.50. In January of 2014, it cost $47.60. The current negative price reflects the lack of pipeline capacity for this particular variety of ultra-low quality crude oil.

Still, even if the oil is of the poorest of quality, the negative price demonstrates just how bad things have become in the oil industry. Over the past 18 months, benchmark oil prices in the United States have fallen more than 70%.

The president of Lipow Oil Associates LLC Andy Lipow said, “Telling producers that they have to pay you to take away their oil certainly gives the producers a whole bunch of incentive to shut in their wells.”

Prices for a standard barrel of oil are currently trading at slightly more than $28, representing the lowest prices since 2003.

High-sulfur oil is typically regarded as the poorest-quality of oil because they must be processed at plants with specialized equipment that is designed to remove the sulfur.

Although negative commodity prices are rare, they are not unprecedented. In Canada, propane actually reached a negative value for about three months last year. Of course, when there’s no money to be made, many refineries simply close up shop. We could be seeing that very quickly with oil producers.

Standing Desks Show Promise For Students

There’s some good news for students who hate sitting down in class, as a recent study has shown that standing desks may improve both physical health and cognitive performance. The study focused on 27 Texas high school freshmen over the course of one school year. Overall, it was found that standing desks improved the scores of tests that focused on reasoning and working memory by somewhere between 7% and 14%

The study was led by Texas A&M School of Public Health researcher Ranjana Mehta. Many schools have been known to use standing desks to encourage both movement and the burning of calories to combat obesity. Mehta believed the desks could be some mental benefits for the students as well. In the end, there was definitely some evidence supporting this belief.

In order to conduct the study, Mehta and the team tested the students in both the fall and spring semesters. The tests consisted of a series of five exams that evaluated the students’ quick decision making, reasoning, working memory, cognitive strategy and cognitive flexibility. The team also made use of a portable brain imaging device in order to assess the brain activity of the students during testing.

The researchers found that using standing desks generally improved cognitive functions. The brain images also suggested that there was increased activity in the left prefrontal cortex of the students. This area of the brain is generally associated with working memory and executive functioning.

However, there were some limitations to the study. For instance, the study was quite small and there was no sort of control group. The researchers are recommending that a larger and more controlled study be conducted in the future.

Still, their findings are promising, and they could encourage more schools to adopt standing desks. Also the researchers say that they would like to look at the standardized test scores of the students to see if the improved cognitive functioning indeed translates to real world success.

Walmart To Close Down Hundreds Of Stores

Last year was not a good year for Walmart, and it now looks like 2016 might not be much better, as the retail giant is planning to close 269 stores. These locations include the company’s experimental small-store Express outlets and many locations in Brazil. In total, more than 16,000 jobs are expected to be eliminated.

In the United States, where Walmart is the nation’s single largest private employer, the company is planning to close 154 stores. Internationally, Walmart will close 60 stores in Brazil that were losing money. Overall, the closing of the stores will affect less than 1% of the company’s total square footage and revenue.

The decision was made by Walmart CEO Doug McMillon after he took the time to review the performance of the chain’s 11,600 stores. The move will put an end to the Walmart Express program, which consisted of an effort to create smaller corner stores starting in 2011. While the Walmart Express program will end, the company’s Neighborhood Market series will continue. However, a total of 23 of these medium-sized Neighborhood Market stores will be shut down.

McMillon stated, “We invested considerable time assessing our stores and clubs and don’t take this lightly. We are supporting those impacted with extra pay and support, and we will take all appropriate steps to ensure they are treated well.”

A total of 12 of the company’s massive Walmart Supercenter stores will be shutdown. These stores employ about 600 people on average. The majority of these closings will occur before the end of January. Last year, Walmart closed three of its Supercenter locations.

Following the news, shares for Walmart fell by more than 2%. Over the past year, Walmart shares have lost nearly 30% of their value, largely because of slow growth and declining profits.

With the closures, more than 10,000 Walmart employees in the United States will be affected. The company will offer the employees the opportunity to relocate to other stores within their respective regions. The company will also provide the affected workers with 60 days of pay and one week of severance for each year that they spent with the company. Walmart currently has about 1.4 million American employees and 800,000 employees outside the United States.

Oregon Militia Receives Ridiculous Gifts

After a group of armed protesters took over a United States wildlife refuge in Oregon, they turned to the public in the hopes of receiving much needed supplies. Desperate to make it through the harsh winter, the protesters expected that they would receive food rations, warm clothing and other emergency equipment. Instead, they were gifted with packages containing various adult pleasure toys and glitter.

On January 2nd, armed occupiers took control of buildings at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The takeover represented the latest conflict regarding the American government’s control over land in the western regions of the country. Facing a shortage of snacks, fuel and warm clothing, the occupiers released a local mailing address to the public in the hopes that they would receive some much-needed support.

When the group went to display their gifts online, they were embarrassed and enraged to find that the packages that had been sent contained little more than sex toys and different colors of sparkly glitter. Now, not only is the outraged group still hungry and cold, they are baffled as to why people would go out of their way to humiliate them.

Occupier Jon Ritzheimer said in a Facebook video that featured an impressively large pleasure toy and bag of genital-shaped candy, “It was really mind-blowing to me that people would actually spend their money on all this hateful stuff to send out to us. It’s really ridiculous. We’re going to continue to do work and do good for our country. We’re not going to be deterred.”

The occupiers are planning for a long standoff with federal officials, who have mostly just sat back and watched from a distance. The situation has been largely followed on Twitter, where the protestors have been given nicknames, such as #YallQaeda and #VanillaISIS.

In addition to pleasure toys and glitter, the group has also received other useful items such as uniquely scented perfumes, nail polish, pedicure socks and a 55 gallon container of lubricant.

But besides trolls with some extra spending money, the Malheur occupiers have also enraged other groups, most notably regional birdwatchers and wildlife photographers who have been unable to enjoy the wildlife refuge. One bold birdwatcher sent an open letter to the group, warning them that they are being watched.

The angry birdwatcher wrote, “You will never see us, but we and our cameras will always see you. We will #takebackmalheur from you terrorists, and will not rest until every one of you thugs and poachers is behind bars where they belong.”

It has not been reported as to whether or not the genital shaped candies have been providing the protesters with proper sustenance.

Obama Administration’s $4B Plan To Jump-Start Self-Driving Cars

In an effort to help speed up the development of self-driving vehicles, the Obama administration has announced a plan to spend nearly $4 billion over the next ten years to help fund various autonomous car projects. It goes to show that President Obama is just as excited about driverless cars and their wide range of benefits as everyone else.

Recently, United States Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx spoke at a press conference at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. During his speech, Foxx discussed the various benefits that self-driving vehicles can have on the American automotive industry.

Foxx stated, “Automated vehicles open up possibilities for saving lives, saving time and saving fuel.”

The $4 billion in funding is just one part of a greater initiative that was announced by President Obama during his State of the Union Address on Tuesday. President Obama is hopeful that United States automakers will be able to produce a “21st century transportation system” before the rest of the world.

According to a press release from the government, federal officials are planning to unveil a sort of “model state policy” regarding self-driving cars sometime within the next six months. This policy would be the initial step towards creating consistent national guidelines regarding autonomous vehicles.

As things stand right now, regulations regarding self-driving vehicles largely differ between states. California, which is home to many companies experimenting with self-driving technologies, has some of the heaviest restrictions in the country. Many companies have started conducting testing in Austin, TX where there are fewer restriction put in place.

When all is said and done, the White House will spend $3.9 billion in order to conduct pilot programs which will test “connected vehicle systems” across the country. According to federal officials, the autonomous cars will be able to drastically reduce the number of accidents in the country.

Foxx said, “We know that 83 percent of car accidents are due to human error. What happens if human error could be eliminated? That’s a powerful possibility, and that’s a possibility worth pursuing.”

Needless to say, the reality of a self-driving car boom is getting closer and closer.

New Case Of Ebola Confirmed

A death caused by Ebola has been confirmed in Sierra Leone, just hours after the World Health Organization announced that the latest outbreak of the deadly disease in West Africa had concluded. Sierra Leone was originally declared to be free of the dangerous virus on November 7th. The region as a whole was deemed to be free of Ebola after the disease was determined to be eliminated from Liberia on Thursday. The death in Sierra Leone occurred earlier in the week.

Tests that were conducted on the deceased individual in northern Sierra Leone tested positive for Ebola. The news was confirmed by a spokesperson from an Ebola test center in the region. Now, the World Health Organization is very worried that more flare-ups could show up in the future.

According to spokesperson for at an Ebola test center Sidi Yahya, the patient died while in the Tonkolili district of Sierra Leone. The patient had traveled to the area from Kambia, which is close to the border shared with Guinea.

The Ebola testing was conducted by British health experts. Reports indicate that the health experts are now desperately searching for everyone who may have come into contact with the victim while he had the deadly virus. The disease is known to be extremely contagious, and it could have easily spread to others.

Since December of 2013, almost 4,000 people have died because of Ebola in Sierra Leone. Across the region as whole, more than 11,000 people have fallen victim to the disease.

Liberia was the final country to put an end to the active transmission of Ebola. However, the country had been declared to be free of Ebola twice in the past, only for the virus to later emerge once again. A country is considered to be free of Ebola after two three week incubation periods have taken place since the last known case tested negative in a second series of testing.

Spiders, Lice And More Crawling Through US Homes

In a disturbing new study conducted by United States scientists, the average U.S. residence is home not only to its human occupants but also to more than 100 species of invertebrates, such as centipedes, lice and spiders.

Most Americans know that dust mites occupy their homes, but few probably know just how many other critters crawl around. The new study is believed to be the first of its kind in attempting to quantify exactly what flies and scurries about in the average American home. In conducting the study, researchers thoroughly searched 50 houses and found they were inhabited by humans, pets and 579 different types of arthropods. Arthropods are invertebrate critters with jointed limbs and segmented bodies and include spiders and insects.

On average, the researchers found around 100 arthropod species in each home. The most common species were spiders, flies, beetles, ants and book lice. The scientists also found that in 65% of the homes, there were cobweb-producing spiders.

An entomologist at North Carolina State University, Matthew Bertone, said he was amazed at the number and variety of species found in what he emphasized were “clean and normal” homes in Raleigh, North Carolina.

He said that, “We were pretty surprised with what we found, such as the smallest wasp in the world, which is just 1 millimeter long. I saw a lot of things in homes that I had never seen in the wild before, things we’ve previously tried to trap. There is a weird species of beetle, called telephone pole beetles, where the babies can produce babies. And tiny crickets called ant-loving ants because they are found near ant nests. I’ve never seen one of those before.”

The researchers were entomologists that found the miniscule critters by simply looking from floor to ceiling in each room. They did not open drawers or rip up carpets. In one home, the scientists found several flesh flies which led to the discovery of the remains of a rotting rodent killed by the family feline.

Researchers picked 50 detached houses up to 5,000 square feet in size. They chose not to examine apartments due to the “shared bugs” from one apartment to another.

Bertone noted that, “There are lots of cobweb spiders and also the house centipede, which is a really creepy looking creature to some people but I find them fascinating. They are very fast and if you’re a cockroach, you’re likely to be on their menu. Most of these things aren’t pests, they peacefully co-habitate with people.

He added that, “I never thought I’d see such biology in homes that were clean, not filled with junk, just normal homes. My hope is that this doesn’t freak people out but people need to know their houses aren’t sterile environments.”

Florida Hospitals Dumps Heart Standards After Big GOP Gift

A group of cardiac doctors in Florida claim that the state is putting children with cardiac problems at severe risk because of a change in policy – a change that just happened to take place soon after Tenet Healthcare contributed more than $200,000 to Florida Republicans.

In June, CNN published a report that received national attention. The investigation revealed that a children’s heart surgery program at a Tenet-owned Florida hospital had failed to live up to state quality standards.

Less than two months later, instead of directing the hospital to fix things, the state simply decided to get rid of those standards of care.

And many doctors and members of the media believe that the decision to repeal those standards was made right after the giant hospital chain made significant political contributions to Republican Governor Rick Scott and his party.

Louis St. Petery, a pediatric cardiologist in Tallahassee, said that, “The whole situation is outrageous. It’s just outrageous.”

Cardiac physicians begged Florida to maintain the hospital standards. They argued that the quality standards of care have been in place since the ‘70s, have saved children’s lives and led other states to enact similar standards.

Department of Health spokeswoman Mara Gambineri responded to the controversy by stating that, “Our number one priority is the health of all Floridians, especially children.” However, she added that, “We fully support best practices and high standards of care at Florida’s hospitals. As an executive branch agency, the department’s authority is limited to those functions statutorily delegated by the Legislature.” Meaning that their hands were tied and were required to repeal the standards of care.

Pediatric heart specialists appointed by the state were furious. At a hearing, Dr. Jeffrey Jacobs emphasized that the standards “are necessary to protect the vulnerable children with heart disease. [Repealing the standards] is the failure of an entire team and system.”

Jacobs recommended the hospital cease and desist from performing heart surgery on infants younger than 6 months. Legally, the hospital could simply ignore Jacobs’ recommendation – and it did so. Meanwhile, the state did not intervene to help and babies continued to die at the hospital.

Finally, to the doctors’ relief, the hospital’s CEO resigned and it closed its pediatric heart surgery program. Yet, Florida announced it still planned to repeal hospital standards of care for children’s heart surgery.

Doctors outside the state were stunned. Dr. Peter Pronovost opined that, “I can’t think of anywhere else in the country where you have safety standards and someone doesn’t like them, so you just have it repealed. These standards have been in use for more than 30 years, and they’re widely acknowledged to ensure safety – why would you repeal them? If the state really felt it didn’t have the legislative authority to have the standards, why wouldn’t they go out and get that authority?”

Florida pediatric heart doctors in Florida say they believe the order to eliminate the standards of care came directly from Governor Scott’s office – who wanted to keep a major political donor (i.e., Tenet Healthcare) happy.

Unfortunately, in December, Florida Administrative Law Judge John Van Laningham ruled in the state’s favor, holding that health care professionals take “pride” in their jobs and that many “derive personal satisfaction from doing a job well.” Therefore, according to his reasoning, removing the government-imposed standards would not affect quality of care.

Essentially, the judge ruled that doctors will provide the same level of care simply because “they want to” – and not because they are forced to.

Now, the cardiac doctors are considering whether to appeal the judge’s seemingly absurd decision. Meanwhile, they said they are simply relieved that the hospital at issue is no longer operating on children’s hearts.

Hoverboard Safety Concerns Rise As One ‘Explodes Into Flames’

The hoverboard sensation seemed to spread across the United States and Europe during the holiday season. Unfortunately, the innovative and futuristic mode of transportation is not all that it is cracked up to be and the hoverboard industry is literally under fire for producing defective products. In fact, as quickly as the hoverboards sold, many of them were recalled. Amazon went so far as to remove them from its site and to offer full refunds to those who purchased various models.

Now, a British YouTube “vlogger” has produced video evidence of just how dangerous the self-balancing scooters can be. He actually captured on video a hoverboard exploding into fire on the device’s first run. (Note: hoverboards are in no way synonymous with the brand Segway and are not manufactured by Segway.)

Stephen Leenott (who posts videos under the name of BuleBritish) recently purchased a new hoverboard from eBay. Upon receipt, he charged the battery overnight, planning to take it on its first run the following morning. When he initially stepped on the board and tried to start it, nothing happened and it appeared dead.

Leenott began to tilt the hoverboard to try and get it going. However, the hoverboard started to make a hissing sound which was then followed by smoke and finally a burst of fire.

Following the burst of flames, the video shows Leenott attempting to pour water on the board to extinguish the fire. But, he is quick to point out that doing so was not the smartest move: “Don’t use water on electrical fires. This was not planned. My first thought was to run and fill the kettle to pour cold water on it. Why? I don’t know, it’s a fire. Put water on it was my first reaction.”

Luckily, Leenott conducted his test run outside and the fire did not cause any damage. Some people have not been so lucky. Hoverboards caused several house fires recently when the scooters went bezerk.

While it is not exactly known what caused this specific fire, there are a few possibilities. First, the boards run on lithium batteries, which have a tendency to explode if configured incorrectly. Also, many of these boards have poorly constructed and assembled motors and electrical wiring, which also could have caused the fire. And, these are just a few of the possible defects.

Properly constructed hoverboards from reputable companies do not necessarily pose a fire risk. However, many Chinese factories pump out shoddy counterfeits and cheap alternatives that are simply accidents waiting to happen. The safety fears of these knockoffs have caused governments to take notice, including the issuance of warnings and the impounding of all hoverboards at some ports of call.

Currently, they are illegal to ride on public roads and sidewalks within the United Kingdom and some parts of the United States, including New York.

Incandescent Bulbs Won’t Go Into The Dark Just Yet

In 2007, the United States Congress determined that most incandescent light bulbs should be a thing of the past, and it actually passed a law requiring the country to phase out most of those light bulbs by 2014. The phaseout was part of a global effort to eliminate incandescent bulbs so as to switch to more energy-efficient light bulbs. But, new research now indicates that old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs may be tweaked to be more efficient than in the past.

Researchers at MIT have found a way – using nanotechnology – to reuse the wasted energy created by incandescent bulbs. The scientists published their findings in the journal, Nature Nanotechnology. In their paper, the team explains how they have converted the major downfall of the incandescent bulb – which is the fact that it creates a waste of more than 95% of the energy it generates – into a good thing.

In order to recycle the wasted energy, the team developed a secondary structure around the bulb’s filament. The structure is made from a photonic crystal which captures infrared energy and allows light to pass.

The team reports how they used nanotechnology to create the crystal describing their theory and techniques as follows:

The desired visible wavelengths pass right through the material and on out of the bulb, but the infrared wavelengths get reflected as if from a mirror. They then travel back to the filament, adding more heat that then gets converted to more light. Since only the visible ever gets out, the heat just keeps bouncing back in toward the filament until it finally ends up as visible light.

The team further writes that the new bulb has three times greater efficiency than a standard bulb. Moreover, the team thinks they can increase the bulb’s efficiency up to 40% of the efficiency. If they do that, the bulbs could beat the efficiency of both LED bulbs and CFL bulbs.

This could lead to the re-emergence of incandescent light bulbs in our homes.

European Court Rules That Companies Can Monitor Workers’ Private Chats

The European court of human rights (ECHR) ruled this week that European employers can legally monitor the online communications of their employees. This means that employers can monitor employees’ use of the Internet to send both work-related and private messages during office hours.

The ECHR’s ruling came at the conclusion of a lawsuit brought by a Romanian engineer against his employer. The engineer’s employer discovered that he had used and was continuing to use the Yahoo Messenger system to chat with his professional colleagues and contacts as well as personal contacts, such as his brother and fiancee. He was fired in 2007 as a result of these actions as the company’s policy clearly prohibited the use of Yahoo Messenger for personal communications.

The employee challenged the legality of the termination of his employment and argued that his employer should not have been monitoring his Internet usage.

The ECHR, located in Strasbourg, ruled in favor of the employer and dismissed the engineer’s argument that his right to “confidential correspondence” was violated when the company monitored his personal online messaging.

In rendering its decision, the court held that it was not “unreasonable that an employer would want to verify that employees were completing their professional tasks during working hours.” The court further added that the company had accessed the engineer’s messages because it believed that the messages only contained professional communications – as per the company policy.

The ECHR also upheld the Romanian court’s decision to admit as evidence the transcripts of the actual communications of the engineer. The court reasoned that allowing the transcripts as evidence at trial to be used against the engineer “proved that he had used the company’s computer for his own private purposes during working hours.”

The ECHR further held that because the employer’s attorneys redacted the identities of the individuals with whom the engineer communicated, Romania’s courts had struck a “fair balance” between respect for those individuals’ privacy and the defendant-employer’s interests.

The judgments of the ECHR set precedence and are binding on those European countries that have ratified and signed the European Convention on Human Rights.

Islamic State Targets Indonesia For First Time

The Islamic State has attacked Indonesia, marking the first time that the terrorist group has targeted the world’s most populous Muslim nation. The attack was conducted on Thursday by gunmen and suicide bombers in the center of the Indonesian capital city of Jakarta. A total of seven people were killed in the attack, though five of the casualties were of the attackers themselves.

The attack, which went on for nearly three hours, took place nearby a Starbucks and the Sarinah’s department store. In the attack, the team of extremists traded gunfire with the police before eventually blowing themselves up. The incident took the lives of one Indonesian and one Canadian. At least twenty other people were wounded in the process.

The chief of the Jakarta Police Department, who said that a man named Bahrun Naim was responsible for plotting the attack stated, “ISIS is behind this attack definitely.”

It is currently believed that Bahrun Naim is hiding out in the Syrian city of Raqqa.

The terrorist attack featured at least six explosions and a gunfight in a movie theater. However, the weapons used by the terrorists were particularly weak. This explains why they were only able to kill two people in the end.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has since informed his country that people should be scared or defeated by unfortunate acts of terrorism.

It was reported during the attack that the windows of the Starbucks were shot out and that at least one attacker took to the building’s roof. Police forces had responded to the attack within mere minutes, as black armored vehicles and sniper teams were deployed to the scene. Meanwhile, helicopters flew overhead to monitor the situation from above.

One terrorist entered the Starbucks and blew himself up, injuring several people inside. As people fled the Starbucks, two waiting gunmen opened fire on them. Meanwhile, two additional militants attacked a nearby police traffic post using grenade-like bombs. The attacks caused the city center’s infamously jammed roads to become almost entirely deserted.

The coordination and orchestration of the attacks has reminded many people of the deadly terrorist attacks that took place in Paris last November. While Indonesia has been attacked by non-ISIS militants in the past, the country has never seen such a coordinated assault by a team of gunmen and suicide bombers.

In July of 2009, the JW Marriot and the Ritz Carlton hotels in Jakarta were attacked in a bombing. In 2002, a bombing at a nightclub on the holiday island of Bali killed 202 people.

Drone Ambulance Just Made Its Maiden Voyage

Drones are already being used in military operations and the delivery of packages, and pretty soon that might be used to save lives in emergency medical situations. A drone ambulance that is designed to airlift two individuals has been autonomously flown for the first time.

The rescue drone is called the AirMule, and it is able to take off and land vertically. The drone is specifically designed to be used in conditions in which landing a manned helicopter would be particularly unfeasible. Such situations include an active battlefield or on unfavorable terrain.

The drone was developed by Israeli technology company Tactical Robotics. While there have been some setbacks in its development, Tactical Robotics finally managed to complete an initial test flight. The drone is able to carry nearly 1,000 pounds and it can fly more than 30 miles in a single trip.

The AirMule makes use of a single engine and internal rotor. It made its initial flight from a temporary testing facility that was set up at the Megiddo Airfield in Israel after receiving permission from the Israeli Civil Aviation Authority. By the end of the year, Tactical Robotics is hoping to demonstrate the cargo carrying abilities of the drone. Beyond-line-of-sight testing has also been scheduled.

Although the primary purpose of the drone is to conduct evacuations from active battle sites, the AirMule has other purposes as well. The compact drone system is able to fly in close proximity to buildings and other obstructions thanks to its internal rotor system. This gives it a major advantage over other air ambulances.

Tactical Robotics is not the only company working to develop drones designed to carry people. At the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, the Chinese Ehang 184 drone was revealed to the public. This single-passenger drone is able to fly for up to 23 minutes at speeds in excess of 63 mph.

Student Loans Account For $1.3 Trillion In Debt

With the pressure to stay competitive in the United States job market, many Americans will often do whatever it takes to obtain a college degree, even if it means racking up a heavy amount of debt in the form of student loans. Now, the total amount of student loan debt in the country is more than $1.3 trillion. Many Americans maintain student loans in excess of $100,000.

The issue has become so severe that lawmakers are starting to step in. Last September, the Obama administration took action by making changes to the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is the form filled out by college students seeking financial aid.

Then in December, the administration revealed the Revised Pay As You Earn (REPAYE) plan. This policy allows certain federal student loan borrowers to limit their total monthly student loan payments at 10% of their discretionary income.

Such measures have made the burden of student loans somewhat more manageable, but they won’t make the problem go away entirely. According to a recent study, Americans between the ages of 35 to 50 owe nearly as much money on their student loans as new graduates even after years of making payments. It has recently been discovered that student loan payments are even passing groceries as the largest monthly expense for many households.

According to leading student financial aid expert Mark Kantrowitz, more than 25% of people with student loans are graduating with excessive amounts of debt. Kantrowitz says that this extreme debt load has a major influence on how borrowers live their lives.

Kantrowitz wrote, “I also found that students who graduate with excessive debt are about 10% more likely to say that it caused delays in major life events, such a buying a home, getting married, or having children. They are also about 20% more likely to say that their debt influenced their employment plans, causing them to take a job outside their field, to work more than they desired, or to work more than one job.”

It is estimated that the total amount of student loan debt in the United States grows by more than $2,000 every second. While the government might be working hard to control the issue, this just might be a problem that is too big to contain.

Hacker Group Anonymous Shuts Down Nissan’s Website As Protest

The activist hacking group Anonymous is continuing its efforts to put a stop to whaling practices in Japan, this time targeting the website of Japanese automaker Nissan. Both Nissan.co.jp and Nissan-global.com were taken offline thanks DDos attacks that were conducted by Anonymous.

Anonymous maintains thousands of hackers across the world, and they are known for their largely political hacking campaigns. The group has worked most notably combat the influence of the Islamic State on social media. Recently, Anonymous took down the website of the Trump Towers, expressing their displeasure with outspoken presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The group’s current campaign against Japanese whaling is called #OpSeaWorld, and it was started last month. The campaign is in protest of Japan’s plans to continue hunting 333 minke whales every year through 2026. Japanese officials have stated that the whaling is strictly for scientific research purposes, and the only reason that the whale meat will be sold commercially afterwards is so that it does not go to waste.

A hacker from Anonymous has since taken responsibility for the attack on Nissan. The hacker claimed that he only targeted the Japanese Nissan site and that the company must have taken down the international site on its own. The hacker went on to state that the attack did not threaten their information systems and that no important data was stolen.

Nissan spokesperson Dion Corbett stated that Nissan has no connection whatsoever to Japanese whale hunting. Corbett stated that the company voluntarily took down the affected websites in order to prevent any further damage from hackers.

Corbett said, “Because of a potential DDoS attack, we are temporarily suspending service on our websites to prevent further risks. Nissan continuously monitors and takes aggressive steps to ensure the protection of our information systems and all of our data.”

Since launching its anti-whaling campaign in December, Anonymous has targeted several Japanese websites. Most notably, the group took down the official website of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on December 10th. Later on December 20th, the group took down a total 97 websites concerning Japanese government officials, news organizations, airports and various groups associated with the hunting of marine animals.

In March of 2014, the International Court of Justice in The Hague made the ruling that the Japanese must cease their whale hunting practices. While Japan did initially stop hunting whales, the country later resumed the practice.

Twitter Under Fire For Letting Known Terrorist On Website

Twitter is being sued by a Florida defense contractor who claims that the social media website has knowingly allowed terrorist organizations such as the Islamic State to make use of its services in order to spread their violent messages. The family of the Florida defense contractor was killed in a terrorist attack in November.

On Wednesday, a lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California in San Francisco. The lawsuit focuses on the death of Lloyd “Carl” Fields Jr., who died at the hands of a Jordanian police captain who he was training at the International Police Training Center in Amman. Additionally, another unnamed American contractor was also killed in the attack.

This training center is operated and funded in part by the United States Department of State. The Islamic State later took credit for the attack. The lawsuit accuses Twitter of allowing the attack to take place. It claims that Twitter permits terrorists to recruit and spread extremist ideology on its messaging platform. It is believed that ISIS maintains about 70,000 Twitter accounts, and at least 79 of these are “official”. In all, the terrorist group posts about 90 tweets every minute.

The lawsuit reads, “For years, Twitter has knowingly permitted the terrorist group ISIS to use its social network as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda, raising funds and attracting new recruits. Without Twitter, the explosive growth of ISIS over the last few years into the most feared terrorist group in the world would not have been possible.”

A spokesperson for Twitter responded to the allegations saying that while such incidents are tragic, it cannot be held responsible for the acts of terrorist groups.

The spokesperson said, “While we believe the lawsuit is without merit, we are deeply saddened to hear of this family’s terrible loss. Like people around the world, we are horrified by the atrocities perpetrated by extremist groups and their ripple effects on the Internet. Violent threats and the promotion of terrorism deserve no place on Twitter and, like other social networks, our rules make that clear. We have teams around the world actively investigating reports of rule violations, identifying violating conduct, partnering with organizations countering extremist content online, and working with law enforcement entities when appropriate.”

Twitter has been at the center of similar accusations in the past. Last month, Twitter was fined by the Turkish government for refusing to remove content that was determined to be “terrorist propaganda”. In response, Twitter filed a lawsuit claiming that the fine was illegal.

Popular Heartburn Drugs Linked To Kidney Cancer

Recent research has shown that certain medications used in treating heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux are linked to chronic kidney disease. A class of drugs known as proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) has been shown to greatly increase the likelihood of developing kidney problems further down the road.

About 15 million Americans take PPI medications. They are commonly sold under the brand names of Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid. According to researchers, these medications are extremely common. Such medications were originally approved in the 1980s, and most experts initially believed they were very safe. Since then, the drugs have been linked to bone fractures, infections and heart issues.

In order to examine whether or not PPIs increased the risk of developing chronic kidney disease, experts from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health conducted a study by looking at the medical records of various individuals. They found that those taking PPIs were more likely to develop chronic kidney disease at some point.

However, the researchers stressed that the study was not conclusive and that more research needs to be done to confirm the association. The study also did not take into consideration just how long an individual had been taking a PPI. Still, the researchers offered the recommendation that people should only take PPIs if they are absolutely needed. Ultimately, extreme caution should be taken when using PPIs.

Internal medicine resident at the University of California San Francisco Adam Schoenfeld said, “”I think it’s a pretty big concern. When they (PPIs) first came out they weren’t associated with side effects, or we didn’t think they were. So we put people on this medication thinking, ‘It’s a quick fix and they’re very safe.’ But in actuality they’re associated with a range of side effects.”

In the end, Schoenfeld advises people to try other methods to alleviate heartburn and indigestion before resorting to PPIs. Some better solutions include changing one’s diet, quitting smoking and reducing one’s consumption of alcohol.

Apple Eyeing Time Warner Spinoff Purchase

Time Warner could soon be up for sale, and Apple is reportedly keeping a very close eye on the situation. Apple is one of a handful of companies that are said to be interested in purchasing the major entertainment company. In recent times, Time Warner has received heavy pressure from investors to sell itself or spin off its assets.

A year and a half ago, 21st Century Fox attempted to purchase Time Warner at $85 per share, which is greater than its current trading price of around $71. Many view Time Warner as a sitting duck among media companies because of its lack of a dual-class shareholder structure.

Reports indicate that Fox is still interested in making the purchase. Another company that could possibly strike a deal is AT&T, which recently purchased DirecTV as well. However, perhaps the most intriguing suitor is Apple, which is known for its lucrative corporate takeovers.

If Apple does indeed become the buyer, the company would most likely use Time Warner’s assets to help launch its heavily anticipated stand-alone TV streaming service. So far, Apple has struggled to create a programming and content bundle from its existing partners.

Purchasing Time Warner would give Apple access to CNN, Turner Sports and massively popular shows such as “Game of Thrones” and “Sesame Street”. There is also the huge selection Warner Bros. movies and TV shows tucked away in the archives.

Last May, Apple joined forces with HBO in launching HBO Now, which functions as an internet-delivered TV service on Apple TV. The Apple TV device connects television sets to online programming.

One possible outcome outside of selling the entire company involves Time Warner possibly spinning off its holdings in HBO. However, CEO of Time Warner Jeff Bewkes is reportedly against the idea of cutting ties with HBO. Bewkes believes that splitting up the company would destroy its value.

Both Apple and Time Warner have declined to comment on the rumors.