Belgium is Melting Firearms and Recycling Them Into Steel

Belgium is melting firearms
Guns | Federal Police

Belgium has melted over 22,000 firearms into steel but for what reason?

During the month of April authorities destroyed thousands of guns, melting them into 60 tons of recycled steel.

Belgium collected firearms from both the public and from police weapons that were no longer in use.

Governor of East Flanders, Carina Van Cauter, said in a statement “The result is impressive: 22,457 firearms have disappeared from our society… It is obviously positive for the security of our citizens that these weapons are no longer in use.”

Melting firearms
Firearms | Federal Police

Why Did Belgium Melting Firearms?

All metals have an infinite lifespan, making it a great idea to recycle them.

“Steel is endlessly recyclable without loss of quality. For us, steel is the cornerstone of sustainable circular economy.” Karen Warnier of ArcelorMittal told the Het Nieuwsblad. 

The steel company, ArcelorMittal carried out the destruction of the weapons in combustion ovens of its plant in the port of Ghen.

Additionally, the reason Belgium is melting firearms is so that these weapons no longer fall into the wrong hands.

How Did Belgium Collect The Guns?

Over a 6 month time period, Belgium was collecting weapons. Mainly from owners with defective weapons, old police guns and guns seized by authorities.

In addition, police also contacted owners of firearms who are not actively hunting to turn their weapons over.

“Come and hand in weapons that are not used or that you cannot handle… That also applied to firearms on the black market. Bring them in to the local police. Someone has been appointed to take care of them.” A spokesperson said.

Belgium is melting firearms
Guns | Federal Police

Furthermore, this is the third time Belgium has collaborated with ArcelorMittal to recycle firearms and metals that are no longer being used.

What do you think of Belgium melting firearms? Let us know in the comments!

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