Despite Being Number One Polluter China Wants Exemption From Global Pollution Limits


Even though China is the single largest polluter in the entire world, Chinese President Xi Jinping believes that other countries should lead the way when it comes to taking initiatives to prevent climate change. President Xi Jinping made the statement while attending dinner with French President François Hollande. The dinner took place the evening before the opening day of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, which is currently taking place in Paris.

According to President Xi, richer and more developed countries should undertake the main lead when it comes to dealing with climate change issues. Meanwhile, poorer nations such as China, should be provided with financial help so that they can also make changes.

President Xi said, “We hope the outcome of the summit will underscore the principle of common and differentiated responsibilities.”

President Xi also stated that he expects the summit to be a fair and transparent meeting of world leaders. Among other world leaders, United States President Barack Obama will also be present for the important conferences.

Earlier this month, President Hollande visited China. President Hollande previously stated that his visit to China paved the way for a successful summit to take place. He believes that the attendance of President Xi shows that the Chinese government does want to work towards a global climate deal.

While President Xi is in Paris, he is also expected to meet with President Obama and Indian Prime Minister Nadendra Modi. After that, President Xi will fly to Zimbabwe for an official state visit.

Despite China’s participation in the summit, it’s very concerning that President Xi believes that other countries should take the initiative instead of China. While China might be lacking in terms of development, it is still the single largest polluter in the entire world. Therefore, China should be heavily involved in all efforts to prevent climate change. Passing off the problem to other countries won’t solve anything. China and President Xi must take responsibility for their actions and start making legitimate changes if their citizens, and indeed the world at large, hopes to see any environmental improvement.

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