Poll Finds Widespread Dissatisfaction With Obamacare


Satisfaction rates for Obamacare customers are not reaching the highs that were hoped when the signature legislation passed. Just 30 percent of customers are satisfied with the coverage they are receiving, according to research firm Deloitte. In addition, only one quarter were confident in their ability to receive care when they needed, dissatisfaction with costs was also a complaint.

Reasons for the dissatisfaction are not clear yet, but the Obamacare website has dealt with poor functionality in addition to its problematic rollout.

The recent poll contradicts findings from other polling that showed higher levels of satisfaction, such as the Kaiser Family Foundation poll that found 75 percent of people rating their coverage as “good.”

More than 3,800 adults were questioned in the recent poll, including 406 exchange enrollees. More than half rated their opinion as “somewhat satisfied,” with 14 percent stating they were dissatisfied. Comparison to Medicaid, Medicare, or employer provided insurance was unfavorable, with those respondents having dissatisfaction ratings in the single digits.

One positive outcome seems to be taking hold as Obamacare customers twice as likely to see primary care doctors as those who were uninsured, potentially leading to an overall increase in the health of Americans.

Officially named the Affordable Care Act, the legislation has provided an insurance marketplace for those too wealthy to qualify for Medicaid, as well as providing enrollees with tax credits in most cases.

Frequently challenged by the Republican party through mostly rhetoric, Supreme Court rulings regarding the law have bolstered its position, the most recent being a June ruling that tax credits can be paid nationwide.

As insurers calculate the true economics of the healthcare law, it remains to be seen whether rising healthcare spending will start to slow, one of the primary claims made by those advocating for the law’s passage. Currently, healthcare spending makes up one fifth of consumer spending.

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