Stressed And Overworked, Three-Quarters Of Women Are Simply Burnt Out


A new study has shown that the majority of women are suffering from severe anxiety because of excessive working hours and high levels of stress. More than 70% of all women featured in the study stated that they have experienced a panic attack caused by extreme anxiety at some point in their lives.

Still, most women have not tried to receive treatment. Only 40% of women stated that they have sought medical assistance because of stress-related anxiety. Most women have said that they are stressed because of excessive working hours and an obsession over their working duties. This continues even after they’re off from work because many women additionally experience intense pressure to care for their families.

Because of these high levels of stress and anxiety, women have experienced a major burnout. More than 75% of women in the study stated that they often have a lack of motivation. Additionally, 82% of women said that they experience negative emotions, and 71% said that they are dissatisfied with life.

Professor of organizational psychology and health at Manchester Business School Sir Cary Cooper said, “In the past, burnout happened in jobs that involved working with people in occupations such as teaching, social work or nursing, but now it has expanded beyond the caring professions. The pace of life, work overload, job insecurity and increasingly high expectations of us mean more and more people are becoming burnt out.”

One-third of all women in the study said that their jobs were either “very” or “extremely” stressful. In fact, 40% of women said that they have worked unpaid overtime. These overworked women reported that their imperious jobs tend to have a negative impact on their lifestyle.

More than half of all women studied said that they have neglected either their appearance or health because of high levels of stress. Additionally, 44% of women have said that they drink alone to manage stress, and 71% said they have changed their eating patterns.

Sir Cary believes that women should take note of any behavioral changes as the first sign of a possible stress-related burnout. “For example, if you were previously sociable you might become withdrawn. You might be less cooperative or more aggressive and your sense of humor might wane. Physical signs depend on the person. You may develop more colds, smoke or drink more, eat more or less, or suffer gastrointestinal problems,” he said.

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