Supreme Court Approval Ratings Reach Record Low


The Supreme Court currently has an all-time low of approval from the public, according to the most recent Gallup Poll. This comes as the Supreme Court is about to initiate its fall session.

In the most recent poll, only about 45% of American citizens stated that they approve of the country’s highest court at this time. This is the lowest level of approval since Gallup Polls began tracking the rating about 15 years ago.

While 45% percent of American citizens said that they approve of the Supreme Court, 50% said that they disapprove of the court. Another 5% of Americans said that they had no opinion on the matter.

While the percent difference between those who approve of the court and those who disapprove of the court is within the margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points, this is still a historic low for approval ratings of the court.

Between 2000 and 2010, approval ratings of the Supreme Court had always been above 50%.

However, since 2010, the Supreme Court’s approval ratings have been somewhat slipping.

In terms of the approval ratings from people of specific political parties, the gap has slightly narrowed.

The most recent poll showed that 67% of Democrats approve of the court. This is down from the poll that took place in July that said that 76% of Democrats approved.

Meanwhile, 26% of Republicans currently approve of the court, up from a record low of 18% in July.

In the upcoming session, the Supreme Court is expected to address a variety of intensely debated issues, including capital punishment, affirmative action, and governmental redistricting and gerrymandering.

The most recent poll showing record low approval ratings was conducted via telephone between September 9th and September 13th. More than 1,000 American adults participated in the survey.

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